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POV Bokuto

I leaned my head against the cold glass of the window. Still no shots. Iwaizumi already slowed down his speed. My mind traveled to another dimension. I couldn't stop thinking about aging with Akaashi. The corner of my mouth lifted as I watched the trees pass by. I would make him coffee and cupcakes everyday.
He said that he likes my cupcakes!
And I would wake him up with good morning kisses. I closed my eyes. This just has to be over. Soon it will.
"IWA-CHAN WATCH OUT!" Oikawa shouted. My eyes shot open and I looked up. Iwaizumi pressed the brake pedal and turned the steering wheel quickly causing the car to drift. As the car stopped a loud explosion happened right next to our car. I covered my ears, as I watched another vehicle fly over our car roof.
"What the fuck!" Iwaizumi shouted and reversed. He floored the gas pedal and turned left.
"Fuck!" Kuroo shouted and turned around to get a look of the damaged car.
"They placed land mines on the road. Luckily another car drover over it first." I leaned back in my seat. With both hands I took the gun and loaded it, while speaking to Kenma.
"KENMA!" I shouted.
"Yes?" He answered.
"They placed land mines on our road we will have to drive towards the other direction. Be careful!"
"Alright I will keep an eye on your loacation."
Suddenly a car drifted right in front of us and blocked the road. Iwaizumi turned left. I clasped on his seat. The car started following us.
"Son of a bitch!" Oikawa shouted and peeked his head out of the window. Oikawa's shots fell on the windshield of the car. As it shattered Kuroo leaned his torso out of the window and took aim. I grabbed his legs for support. He pulled the trigger and shot right between the black haired guys eyebrows. The car lost it's control and crashed against a building. "That was clean Kuroo-Chan." Oikawa said balling his fist.
Kuroo smirked. "Indeed."
I poked Kuroo's arm. "Hey I grabbed your legs so you don't fall out. You could be a scrambled egg by now." Kuroo grabbed the ends of my hair and formed them to spikes. "Good job owl-head."

Iwaizumi took a quick turn right and drove into a parking garage. It was almost empty, only a few cars were standing. Iwaizumi slowed his speed down again.
"Alright. I think we got rid of them." The sweat drops were rolling down his temple. Silence filled the whole atmosphere. My ears were able to hear every single sound. Even the fall of a needle would be hearable. My breaths shortened with every second that passed. It almost felt like the silence corded up my throat. Suddenly a noise rang into my ear. A car. No. Multiple ones neared themselves. They crossed our road to trap us in here.
„Damn it!" I opened the door and sprinted behind one of the cars.
"Iwaizumi! Drive off!" I shouted and pressed my body against the silver car.
"Are you insane?" Oikawa screamed out of his window. "I said get out of here! Kuroo try to shoot everyone down while Iwa is driving!" But before Iwaizumi could press the gas pedal Oikawa jumped and rolled out of the car. With fast steps he hid behind the car next to me.
"Get back to the car!" I shouted. Oikawa shook his head smiling. Suddenly a shot fell on us. I ducked and looked back to Oikawa. His eyes were glowing. "No." He said and looked up from the car, pulling the trigger a few times in a row. I also got up and shot 2 men down right, into their chests. With a quick turn I let myself back down to the floor. Oikawa bit his lip and pulled the trigger once again. I was breathing heavily. With quick hands I loaded the gun. More shots fell on us and I got up. While pulling the trigger I screamed. The amount of adrenaline that my brain pumped into my veins made me almost loose control. I ran behind a column and rested against it. More people surrounded us. I gasped for air.
"Fuck." I said under my breath. My gaze wandered to Oikawa. He looked exhausted.
"BOKUTO! OIKAWA! ON THE GROUND!" Someone screamed from a distance. I looked up to see who it was, but Oikawa jumped on me and pulled my head to the ground. The voice was familiar. I was used to hear this person scream. Suddenly a loud explosion made a high-pitched ringing appear in my ears and I closed my eyes. As I opened them back slowly smoke surrounded us. Someone threw a grenade. I coughed and waved the dust and smoke off my face.
"Oikawa." I said and rubbed the dirt out of my eyes. "Oikawa." I scanned the ground with my hands to find him.
"Bokuto." A weak voice sounded from my right. I opened my eyes as my sight got clearer. My lungs got blocked and my hands started shaking as my brain comprehended the view. For a moment I forgot how to breathe. With shaking legs I got up and walked two steps towards Oikawa. He was laying on the floor. Blood was streaming out out of his chest. I collapsed infront of him. My eyes started burning and I grabbed his head.
"Oikawa!" I shouted. Oikawa blinked slowly and opened his mouth. Tears started running down my face and dripped all over his neck. I ripped his shirt open and got it off his body. The bullet was deep. I wasn't able to see it. With shaking hands I crumpled his shirt up and pressed it on his chest. Oikawa's face twisted in pain. There was no point in this, since the bullet was really deep inside. I shook my head.
"No. No! Oikawa! Please." I pressed my eyes together. "Please you can't go now. Please stay with me."
I opened my eyes. He was getting paler with every drop of blood that he was loosing.
Oikawa opened his mouth. "Bokuto."
I nodded hysterically. "Yes! Yes! It's me. Please hang on." The tears and snot smeared all over my face as I tried to wipe it away.
"I will get you out of here." I said and grabbed his arm.
With a little tug I pulled him up. Every muscle in his body already relaxed. He was motionless and heavy. As I tried to get him on my trembling shoulders he slipped back to the ground.
"Bokuto." He spoke again. I pulled his arm and tried it once again.
"Bokuto... that's pointless." Oikawa coughed a few times. I laid him back to the ground. My hand was resting under his head.
"No!" I shouted "I will get you out of here." I said and pulled his arm again. But before I could pull him all the way up my body collapsed. I was shaking from head to toe, not being able to move. I leaned my forehead against his shoulder. My loud crying halled in the building. Why? Why would this happen to me? I looked back to Oikawa. His eyes slowly rolled back and I grabbed his pulse. I wasn't able to feel anything.
"Bokuto! Get in!" I looked up to the direction where the voice was coming from. Lev's car stood in front of me. Daichi opened the door and waited for me to jump in. As his eyes met Oikawa, they enlarged. "Bokuto get in!" He shouted again. I shook my head. "We.. can't leave him here Daichi!" Every single word got interrupted by a little gasp for air. Daichi shook his head and jumped out of the car. He grabbed my shirt and pulled me up from the floor. "There is no sense in losing two soldiers! You have to get in!" He shouted into my face and pulled me towards the car. The sound of other vehicles driving to our direction halled through the place.
I looked back once again to Oikawa, before Lev drove off.


Daichi opened the door to the mansion. Everybody shot up from their seat and looked at us. Akaashi ran up to me and embraced his arms around my body. I wasn't able to lift up my arms, so I stood there without moving. Iwaizumi walked up to us as well and looked into the round. He was searching for Oikawa. As he wasn't able to see him a worried smile formed on his face.
"Where.. Where is Oikawa?" He asked and looked at me.
I wasn't able to hold my tears back they started rolling down my cheeks. Akaashi broke the hug and stepped back a few steps.
I wasn't able to answer I was just looking at him. Iwaizumi's brows started to tremble but the smile on his face grew.
"You're kidding right?" He said slowly.
I looked down. Suddenly both hands clasped around my shoulders.
"SAY THAT YOU ARE JOKING!" He screamed into my face. My legs weren't able to hold me any longer. I slipped off Iwaizumi's grip and fell on my knees. Iwaizumi starred at the wall behind me. His hands dropped to his sides. Tears started running down his face. His voice started shaking.
"Please say that you are joking."


I apologize..

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