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POV Akaashi

I stood up slowly. My head was pounding. The only thing I wanted to do is to disappear. This earth is horrendous. But the only thing that makes it so bad, are the humans, who rule this planet. Was there even a good purpose to keep me alive? I've already lost everything.
Suddenly yellow honey eyes crossed my mind. I shook my head. Yeah I only had one left. He was the only thing to keep me alive at this point. The only thing that I could lean on. I walked up to Ojisan's lifeless body. The white suit was colored red now. The look at his dead self somehow satisfied me.
"You're horrible." I said and pointed my gun at him. If there was one person to take his life, it would be me or Lia. We had all the rights to. I pulled the trigger. One shot after another. I couldn't stop. It felt like this monster was immortal. Deathless. I had to be sure. As the bullets dug through his flesh a relieving feeling overtook my body. He was gone. I smiled and kept shooting. The ammunition emptied but I kept pulling the trigger. [Click click].
I let my hand sink but as I heard footsteps nearing themselves my hand shot up again. I pulled the trigger out of reflex but no bullet was shot. Atsumu was standing infront of me.
"Akaashi it's me. Atsumu." He walked up to me. "We have to get out of here." Atsumu placed his hand on my shoulder and tried to pull me away from my position but I didn't move.
"Akaashi." He said quietly. My gaze lowered and I rested my head against his shoulder. Atsumu placed one hand behind my back.
"Akaashi." He said once again. I shook my head. I felt like crying but there where no more tears left.
"I am so tired." I mumbled out of my dry lips.

POV Bokuto

We ran towards the door. As I pushed my whole body weight against the glass I shot another person to the ground. I quickened my path and sprinted to Iwaizumi's car. Suddenly a man appeared around the corner, but before I could pull the trigger he already collapsed to the floor. I looked around.
"Who was that?" I asked shouting.
"Tanaka and Noya are somewhere up a building, it has to be them!" Oikawa answered and opened the door. We all jumped in and I hoped to see Akaashi. But he wasn't there. As soon as the door closed Iwaizumi floored the gas pedal and we drove away. I clasped Kuroo's arm and juddered it.
"Where is Akaashi?" Slowly panic built up in my body. "Where is he Kuroo?" I was almost shouting.
Kuroo grabbed my shoulder and stopped me from shaking his arm.
"Bokuto he's assigned to Lev's car. He's probably safe." I shook my head.
"You don't understand Kuroo. This is Hai Yang!" I turned my head to Iwaizumi. "Hajime, stop the car. I need to get to Akaashi!" I shouted.
"Bokuto calm down he's alright." Kuroo wrapped his arms around me and tightened. I tried to free myself.
"Kuroo please! What if something happened to him?" Out of the sudden Oikawa slapped my face with his palm and I froze.
"Shut the fuck up Bokuto! We just saved your ass. We risked our lives!" Oikawa's nostrils grew as he breathed through his nose.
"Akaashi risked his life! How much do you think he would want you to get in there again?" My body relaxed. He was right. I closed my eyes. "Bokuto he's fine. I promise." Kuroo whispered and loosened his grip, but he didn't let me go. Raindrops started to splatter on the car.
"He's save Bokuto."

Iwaizumi stopped and I hurled myself out of the car. Where was he? I turned my head from left to right but couldn't see Lev's car. The drops rolled down my bare shoulders and my tanktop soaked slowly. Kuroo grabbed my arm.
"You'll catch a cold." He said but I shook his hand off.
"No." As the wind hit my throat, I had to cough but I stopped myself. My lungs were freezing.
Suddenly two bright lights neared themselves to our mansion. I slowly walked towards it. It was Lev's car. He stopped further from the main entrance. The door opened and someone jumped out.
Black wavy hair. My heart relieved and I exhaled loudly. Akaashi ran up to me. I opened my arms.
"Akaashi!" I shouted. As he ran into me I wrapped my arms around him. My face dug right into his neck and I inhaled his scent. The scent of fresh but also sweet lime filled my nose. My lungs were hurting but I didn't care. I just kept inhaling every single gram of his scent.
"Bokuto-San." He mumbled and grabbed my shirt tightly.
"I was so scared Akaashi." I whispered and pressed him against my body. The warmth of his body made me feel safe. His heart pounded against my chest. Akaashi started to tremble in my arms. I looked down to him but he hid his face. He was crying. "Hey. What's wrong?" I asked and tried to lift up his head. He refused to look into my eyes. I squeezed him once again tightly. My nose brushed through his wet hair. I gave him a kiss on the top of his head and rested my chin on it.
"Let's go inside, you'll catch a cold."


I'm so sad wth.

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