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POV Bokuto

Akaashi pulled the blue sweatshirt over his head. "Bokuto-San. When will I be able to go home and pick my own clothes?" I shrugged.
"We can go tomorrow, but I really like you in mine." Akaashi burried his face in his palms and exhaled. He was blushing really fast. I smiled. "So maybe not tomorrow."
He tied the hoodie laces into a bow and looked at me.
"I'll show you around and introduce you to our crew." I grabbed Akaashi's hand and dragged him to the conference hall, where everybody already gathered. We stepped in between Daichi and Sugawara. Daichi looked and me and nodded.
"So." I started talking. "This is Keiji Akaashi. He is a new trusted member in this household." Akaashi clasped his hands behind his back and bowed his head.
"I'm glad you accept me as one of your members." Daichi extended a hand and everybody pinned his gaze on him. "Okay I will start to introduce every single member to you Keiji."
Daichi's finger pointed at the person sitting to his right. "Tetsūrō Kuroo. Warrant Soldier. Next to Kōtarō Bokuto." His finger wandered to the person on Kuroo's other side, he continued.
"-Oikawa Tooru = Third class soldier, Undercover agent
-Osamu Miya = Second class soldier, strategist
-Atsumu Miya = Second class soldier
-Yū Nishinoya and Ryūnosuke Tanaka = Sniper
-Hajime Iwaizumi = Getaway driver, athletic trainer
-Lev Haiba = Getaway driver
-Tadashi Yamaguchi = Undercover agent
-Kozume Kenma = Hacker
-Kei Tsukishima = Professional forger
-Shōyō Hinata, Tobia Kageyama = First class soldiers
-Saeko Tanaka, Chikira Ennoshita =First aider, getaway surgeon."
Lastly his finger stopped at Sugawara. "Capo Koushi Sugawara and me, Sawamura Daichi." Akaashi nodded and bowed his head once again.
"Your degree will be determined by Bokuto. Since he is going to be with you for the past few month. We are glad to have you joining us Akaashi."

POV Akaashi

Bokuto pointed at the locker infront of us. "That's your locker Akaashi." I opened the metal locker door and looked inside.
"I made Tsukkishima move to another locker, so we could be next to each other." I smiled. Bokuto still had this inner child, which made everything he did extremely adorable. He is also such a sensitive person. Actually really fragile. He would get happy with one compliment and really sad with one heartbreaking word. Bokuto smiled brightly.
"I have one question, Bokuto-San." His smile faded and now his yellow eyes were focused on me. Just like a watchfully owl.
"So like you guys introduced me to your people but what are you actually?" Bokuto's head tilted to the side.
"We are people Akaashi." Suddenly his head threw back and a loud but also heart filling laugh came out of his mouth. I looked at him silently until he was finished.
"I mean like... what are you in like... what kind of organization or company is this. What's your purpose?" I closed the locker and turned to Bokuto. He rubbed his right forearm.
"We bust illegal criminal organizations." My eyebrows rose. Bokuto continued. "It's kinda complicated but let me explain it to you. We do uhm.. bad stuff for good things." The same expression lasted on my face.
"Like we sell drugs to earn money but also to bust all the illegal mafia organizations." I nodded slightly. "And how do you report them when you're illegal yourself?" I asked. Bokuto rose his index finger. "Daichi is a police officer he does that for us. He started this organization to help lower the crime rate. Unfortunately he hopped on the black market since then he is one of the most wanted people himself. That's why we have to keep our agency a secret. It's chaotic, but I am here for it!" I opened my eyes. Their capo is also a officer. He's risking all of his informations like that.
"That's why Daichi never gets to do a task. He brings us useful informations from his office, gives us tasks and organizes everything." I let all the things Bokuto just said, scan in my mind. If I got everything right, they do stuff like selling drugs and guns to spot other illegal organizations and they get them reported with Daichi's help since he is a police officer himself. Strange.
"And how do you call yourselves?" Bokuto smirked and made a movement, just like he's throwing an imaginary ball in the air and hits it with his palm. "Haikyuu." A look of puzzlement crossed my face. Volleyball?
"Our mansion looks like a volleyball club from the outside. Directed by elementary school teacher Koushi Sugawara."
Bokuto smiled brightly in pride. Everything about this organization was so chaotic but also genius.
"We play in our freetime. I could teach you if you like to."
I half-shrugged. "Why not." Bokuto grabbed my shoulder and shook me a few times. "Hey hey Akaashi! You're now part of us." I smiled slightly. "Yes Bokuto-San." But why would I even let this happen. I looked into Bokuto's eyes and understood why I was doing all of that. I trusted him. The look into these two deep honey pools made me realize... I did it for him. I have always been with so many people my whole life since I was a child. My grandfather would take me everywhere with him. But no one made me actually feel safe and trusted, just like Bokuto did in such a short time. My lashes fluttered as I stared for too long.
My gaze lowered. They were going to kill me. Very soon. I looked back to Bokuto.
"I'm glad you brought me here."
Bokuto let his hand drop from my shoulder and wander to my hand. He clasped it with his. "I'm glad you worked at this gas station." He said and smiled. A warm, heart filling smile. Just like Bokuto himself.
'We do.. bad stuff for good things'. Does that mean we are bad but good?

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