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POV Bokuto

"That's literally why they told us not to make any friends besides this group." Atsumu said and shrugged his shoulders. „But somehow we get new people every year." His eyebrows dropped and he looked up just like he was thinking of something. „How do we get new members, if we don't make any new friends?" Osamu smacked his forehead. „You really are a dumbass." Atsumu shot up from his seat and headed towards his twin brother. "If you don't shut up!" Osamu didn't move a single inch.
"Atsumu you know all the members are brought by our capos if trusted. They know who to get in here." The grey haired twin said and scratched his nose.
"It was an act in order to protect us all." I said and let my eyes wander over everyone. „Trust me he is not going to hurt any of you, but if one of you dares to lay a finger on him, I will hurt you." My eyes got stuck at Kuroo. Suddenly he spoke up.
"So since Daichi, Iwaizumi and you know his identity you should tell us too." Everybody agreed, talking and whispering filled the room.
"No. That is, if needed Daichi's job. Iwaizumi and I won't speak up on this topic." Oikawa forced a chuckle and everybody focused on him.
"That's what you think. If Iwa-Chan knows, I will too." Iwaizumi scoffed and crossed his arms over his chest. „You won't Shittykawa." Oikawa ran his fingers through his fluffy brown hair.
"Stop acting like you don't call me every night and tell me about your day." The corner of his mouth folded into a smile. Iwaizumi's eyes shot open and before someone could detain him, his foot kicked Oikawas knee. A screech escaped Oikawa's mouth and he folded to the ground.
„Alright. That's enough." Kuroo said and clapped his hands. „You all can leave." The room emptied. Kuroo walked up to me. „Akaashi is lucky, that you and I have a higher degree than the other members. They won't hurt him don't worry." I rubbed my hands together.
"I see, he does mean a lot to you Kōtarō." I turned my head to his direction. He smiled. „Why?" he asked.
Yeah. Why? I don't even know myself. There is something about him that makes him so important to me.

POV Akaashi

It has been almost 5 days since I was locked into this goddamn room. Okay, I get it they still are not able to let me out but I really need some alternations. I let myself sink on the couch and glanced up to the ceiling. A white big surface. Only the lightbulb was hanging down. I let my eyes wander all over the walls. One framed picture decorated the room. I walked towards it and eyed the painting.
Two people walking down the street under one umbrella. It was raining. The two people walked very close to one another so both of them wouldn't get wet under the storm. Suddenly the door opened and I turned around. As I saw the person who walked in a smile covered my face.
"Akaashi!" He shouted beatifically.
"Bokuto-San." I replied and the elation in my voice was a little bit too obvious. I cleared my throat.
"I guess you have a belly full of this room. Wanna go grab something to eat?" He asked.
"Am I even allowed to go out?" I picked at my nails. Bokuto's laugh was sudden and loud with a big smile that covered both of his ears. "You're now mine Akaashi. I can now decide over you." He smirked. My cheeks started to burn. His? No.
"I'm not yours Bokuto-San." I said sharply and rested my hands on my hips. "Uhm. I could still make u rot in this room if I'd like to." He smiled brightly once again. "Or you do what Bokuto Senpai says to you. I won't cuff you, don't worry."

We walked down the street. Bokuto gave me one of his jackets. They were a little too big and not really my taste, but they did their job and protected me from the cold.
"So Akaashi." Bokuto spoke up. I turned my head to the direction of his voice. "Why didn't you tell me you were chinese?" My brows snapped together by the attempt to understand his question. "What?" I asked and Bokuto stopped his steps.
"You know the..." His head turned from left to right. He checked every single direction, if someone was listening. "Hai Yang. They are chinese right?" My eyebrows relaxed and the urge to burst out laughing crawled up my chest but I controlled myself. "Bokuto-San I am Japanese. My Grandfather was a big capo of Hai Yang." I pulled my sleeves over my knuckles. "He got involved back in time, because his Japanese organization made a deal with them. So they confederated since my grandfather and Hai Lee ,the boss of Hai Yang made good business together." Bokuto's bright yellow eyes sparkled as I spoke. "Originally the organization is Chinese but they also have Japanese members."
Bokuto smacked his forehead. "That's just like Lev. He is Russian." I swayed on my feet. "What do you want to eat Bokuto-San?" I asked to remind him that we actually were on our way to eat something. To be fully honest, I was starving.
"I was thinking of ramen? Is that okay for you?" I nodded and smiled slightly. "Yes. I like ramen." Bokuto continued his steps. "You know what Akaashi. I'm actually really glad,that I met you." I hid my face underneath the jacket and didn't answer. "I have to tell you something after we find a place to sit." He said and we both headed to the ramen shop.

I poked the soft boiled egg with the wooden renge spoon. "Akaashi." Bokuto spoke up and teared his chopsticks apart. "I have to confess something." The tone in his voice was heavy. He scratched his neck. "So one day Kuroo and I got a stupid idea to loot a shop." I listened and slurped the noodles causing a quite loud noise, but it didn't seem to bother Bokuto. He carried on.
"So we came to this gas station and we stormed inside and I held the gun into the cashiers face, while Kuroo was grabbing some snacks." Out of a sudden the words Bokuto spoke made a scenario run through my mind. Actually not a scenario. A sequel of what happened to me a few weeks ago. The day at the gas station. This explained why Bokuto's voice was really familiar. "And the cashier was you." Bokuto looked at me, eyes full of regret.
"You looked so scared of the gun. I'd never come to the idea that this cashier was actually one of the biggest mafia soldiers."
I shook my head. It was because I thought someone found out my real identity. I couldn't fight back because we had cameras all over the place. And my employer knew who I was, so I didn't do anything. But I wasn't thinking about that. As the robbers retrenched he said one thing, that got stuck in my mind for days.
"You called me pretty." I said and let the chopsticks down. Bokutos eyes expanded. His cheeks flushed to the color of a strawberry. So did mine. I lowered my gaze. Silence filled the atmosphere. The words of him back then repeated in my head over and over. 'Fine pretty boy'. Pretty boy, that's what he said.

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