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POV Bokuto

I opened the door to Sugawara's office. He looked up from his computer and opened his mouth to say something but I didn't allow him to speak.
"Where is Akaashi?" I asked shouting and slammed my hands on his desk. My heart was pounding against my rib cage. Sugawara's eyes enlarged.
"I don't know Bokuto, we didn't charge him with a mission or else I would've known." I shook my head hysterically.
"But Sugawara you don't understand, he wouldn't leave without telling me." The door opened and Kuroo walked in. He grabbed my arm and pulled me away from Sugawara's desk.
„Kōtarō stop this." He said while pulling me towards the door. Where was he? He wouldn't just go without letting me know.
"Bokuto you need to calm down." Kuroo grabbed both of my shoulders and squeezed them tightly. I looked into his hazel eyes. The thin eyebrows narrowed.
"Kuroo he doesn't pick up my calls. He would never do that."
Kuroo jolted me lightly. "I know! He would never leave you! That's why you don't have to be scared." I nodded quickly.
"Yes he wouldn't leave. That's exactly why!"
Kuroo's eyes widened as he realized what I was talking about. He looked at me.
"Get Lev's Keys." He said and let my shoulders go.

Kuroo turned left and stopped infront of Akaashi's house. I jumped out and hammered against the door.
"Akaashi! Open up!" I shouted. With every passing second my heart started pounding faster.
"Akaashi!" My voice rose. No answer. Kuroo walked up to the door and pushed me to the side. Now he was knocking at the door.
"Akaashi are you there?" He shouted and grabbed the door knob. With shaking hands I pulled my phone out. I was trying to give him a call, but as the door opened my eyes shot up. It was him. He looked at Kuroo. I pushed Kuroo away and walked up to Akaashi. He had dark circles under his eyes. Relief but also anger made my body shake.
"Why would you do this? I was so scared!" I shouted a little bit too loud into his face. Akaashi's pupils started shaking immediately. My jaw dropped slightly as I realized what I did. Akaashi wrapped his arms around my torso and pulled me close to him. He started sobbing. I embraced his body and squeezed him tightly.
"I'm so sorry Akaashi." I whispered and closed my eyes.

Kuroo laid his right hand on his chin. "If that's so, they probably saw us walking in here."
Akaashi nodded. "I spend all night thinking, but I wasn't able to come to a conclusion. I should've called you. I am so sorry but I believe they also hacked into my mobile phone." Akaashi pulled out his phone. "That's why I blocked your numbers and deleted everything off it."
I couldn't take my eyes off him. He looked tired and i hated myself for screaming at him.
"They threatened me with hurting me or either you guys, if it gets boring for them."
I shook my head.
"So he wants to be entertained huh?" I stood up from my seat. "I can take care of that."
It made me so angry, that they kept Akaashi's mind busy. I knew that Akaashi was a bit of an overthinker, doing this was anything else than healthy. I was about to walk out of the door but Kuroo stopped me.
"Alone? Without a strategy? Or Daichi's permission?" He said and shook his head.
Akaashi stood up. "Since you guys are here I can take a nap. If you would excuse me." He said and walked up to his room. My eyes followed him as he disappeared behind the door. Kuroo slapped my arm and I looked at him. He didn't say a word he was just looking at me. He nodded his head towards Akaashi's direction.
I tilted my head. "What?" I asked.
"Dumbass go after him. He was literally asking for it." My cheeks started glowing.
"He said I should come too?" Kuroo's palm smacked against his forehead.
"No but his eyes said that."

I opened Akaashi's door. He was sitting on his bed. It really looked like he was waiting for me. I closed the door behind my back and forced a smile even though the guilt made my heart hurt.
"Do you mind, if I join you?" I asked. Akaashi shook his head and I let myself down next to him on his bed. We sat there without talking for a few minutes until my hand wandered to Akaashi's. I crossed my fingers with his and brushed the back of his hand with my thumb. "You look tired, let's rest a little bit." Akaashi crawled under his blanket and waited for me to join. I laid down next to him. The same position when we were sleeping together. His head rested right under my chin, his face facing my chest. He would always clasp my shirt and dig his face into my chest while sleeping.
"I'm sorry for not letting you know Bokuto-San." He said quietly.
I shook my head. "It's the only right thing you could do Akaashi." I brushed his hair and pulled his head back lightly, so he would look into my eyes.
"Even if you would leave me, I wouldn't have the right to be mad. I was just so scared." I said and gave him a kiss on his forehead. Akaashi closed his eyes. He placed his head into position again. After a while he spoke up.
"Have I told you my mother's name Bokuto-San?" He asked and I shook my head.
"No, what's her name?" I asked and brushed my hand up and down Akaashi's back.
"Airi Akaashi. She was an undercover agent." He said and nestled tighter. "She was so pretty."
I nodded.
"Yeah I can imagine." I said. They are following him step by step now. I don't really know what their plan is but I know that we're in danger too. In order to hurt him they are going to hurt us first. I closed my eyes. How can they be so ruthless? We will not be able to go to the mansion again. I was bad at making plans, we would need our strategist. But do we have the time to think of a strategy now? It would be the best way to act right away. But how? I looked down to Akaashi. His breathing rhythm evened. He was asleep.
I will get you out of there. I promise. And if not, I will go with you.
"I promise Akaashi." I whispered and rested my chin on top of his head.


I love angst. 😀👍🏻

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