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"I'M NOT SAVING YOUR ASS EVER AGAIN DUMBASS!" Kuroo shut the door after jumping into the car. "DRIVE!" He screamed while loading his gun. Lev floored the gas pedal as fast as he could. My head laid on Saeko's lab.
"Fuck. You're lucky, it's not that deep." She mumbled while looking at the wound. "I have to get the bullet out."
The pain numbed my whole arm. My sight got blurry just like I was about to pass out. Lev took a sharp turn which made my body almost roll over. Saeko quickly grabbed my shoulder and pulled me back on her lap.
"Goddamn Bokuto you're heavy." Bullets shot against the car.
"LEV WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU DOING?" Kuroo screamed and pulled the trigger 3 times in a row.
"I'M FUCKING TRYING STOP YELLING!" He took another quick turn. Saeko digged the forceps into my right arm and a loud painful noise escaped my mouth. I clenched my teeth.
"Are you.. sure you're doing it.. right? Fuck." The words were spoken with much effort. "Can you shut? You're about to die."
Kuroo laid back into his seat. Heavy breathing. A weak laugh made my shoulders wiggle.
"Chill I'm just... bleeding." Saeko pulled the bullet out. The same noise got through my pressed lips.
"After all that you're still able to laugh. Unbelievable."


"What does that mean Kenma?" Sugawara looked down to the screen. Kenmas eyes were also focused on the bright oblong, his fingers typing super fast. He tapped the space bar and turned around. Everyone was looking at him.
"Someone tried to get all of our bank informations. The first hacking attempt started at 4 am but it failed. They were close though." My eyes wandered to Sugawara as he spoke.
"As long as we got the best hacker in the country, we are good." He smiled at kenma.
"Well. I don't know who they are but their hacker is also really good." Kenma pulled out a file. "Aoi Nakamura. 22 years old, was born in Osaka. She graduated High school and since then she wasn't found anywhere." My eyes widened.
"That's amazing kenma." Sugawara said as he grabbed the file
"I personally think he's just a creep stalking other hot hacker girls." I laughed and winked at him. Kenma opened his chupa chup and put it inbetween his lips.
"Blondes. Not my type." He mumbled and turned back around. Daichi took a step foreward.
"Okay we'll have to wait for another instruction. It looks like for this week we'll be free. Kenma it would be great if you'd keep an eye on our digital informations." Kenma nodded silently. "As always try not to attract someones attention."

I  pulled my hood over my head and stepped outside the building. It was a cold windy october night. My steps got slower as I tried to relax and walk down the street.
"Hey owl head." I turned around. Kuroo fastened his steps to catch up on me. My face got covered with a big smile.
"Oh hi, bed head." Kuroo put his hand on my shoulder.
"I somehow thought of something super fun. Wanna hear it?" My eyebrows rose. Whenever Kuroo has a 'super fun' idea it turns out to be something really boring like finding a new formular for a drug or something really stupid, that'll get us in so much trouble.
"What is it?" His steps stopped. "We're gonna shoplift a gas station for some snacks." I slapped his hand off my shoulder. "Daichi literally said we should keep ourselves unnoticed. Like about 15 minutes ago dude." Kuroo smirked. God damn it. He knew it. He knew that something as stupid as that idea would seduce me in any way.
"Dumbass. I'm in." Kuroo patted my back.
"That's what I thought Kōtarō. As long as we're not hurting anybody it's fine." He smiled. "Which gas station?"
I rested my right hand on my chin. It has to be somewhere low-key. "I'd say somewhere on the driveway. Also we don't have a car how are we going to escape?" Kuroo pulled a key out of his pocket.
"Lev is going to kill me." He squinted his eyes while smiling big. God damn it Kuroo. It doesn't matter how chaotic he is, he will always be prepared for anything. Such a nerd. I smiled back. "Bet." I said.

"That one looks good." My fingers pointed at the lonely gas station which was a few 100 meters away. The road was dark and empty. No lights only the bright sign of the gas station lit up the area.
"Bokuto that actually looks so scary." He said while unloading the gun. Luckily the gas station wasn't too far away from the city.
"Ah c'mon Kuroo. We will just ask for some candy, nothing wild. That was your idea, remember?" I put on the sunglasses and pulled my hood over. My face was covered with a bandana. Except for Kuroos eyes, he covered his face and stuffed his hair into a cap. Daichi always told me to hide my bushy white eyebrows, because they were too remarkable. Kuroo parked the car close enough for us to jump in afterwards. We both stepped outside and I kicked the door open.
"Everyone on the ground!" Kuroo's voice tolled the whole room. 2 teenagers fell to the ground without any hesitation. I walked towards the cashier and held the gun in to his face.
"Hands up!" I said. The black haired male shot his hands up and looked at me. His dark blue eyes wide open, shaking. He looked deep into my soul. Like as he was trying to say something but he couldn't speak up. You could see that he was scared for his life.
"Hey." I said, my voice made him jump. "2 cigarette packs." He didn't move.
"LET'S GET OUT OF HERE!" Kuroo shouted. I started walking backwards. "Fine pretty boy. I don't even smoke so I'm good." We both jumped into the car. Kuroo started the engine and we quickly drove away.
"Hey hey hey! Whatchu got for us?" I rummaged the bag. "All of our favorites." I pulled out a milk carton.
"You even thought of Tobio!"
Kuroo nodded. "Of course. Let's call some over and watch a movie. Daichi is probably sleeping." I rested my head against the window. "Hopefully."

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