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POV Akaashi

Bokuto played with my hair as we were laying on his bed. There were so many thoughts, but the lack of energy made my brain stop at some point.
"Akaashi." Bokuto said quietly. I grabbed his hand, which rested around my waist.
"Hm?" I hummed.
"Are you sleeping?" He asked. I shook my head as a response.
"You know that you can talk to me about anything, right?"
I closed my eyes. "I know Bokuto-San."
"I would never judge you. No matter what it is. I'm always here for you."
I nodded and squeezed his hand. "I will. One day."

POV Bokuto

I opened my eyes and straightened myself. Akaashi sat at the desk and wrote something.
"Good morning." I said and brushed my hair back with both hands. Akaashi turned around quickly and closed the notebook.
"Morning Bokuto-San." He smiled. It looks like he's feeling quite better than yesterday. Akaashi stood up and walked up to me.
"Do you want breakfast? I already had something."
I jerked to his direction.
"You had breakfast without ME?"
My head tilted a bit and I waited for an acceptable explanation.
"I'm up since 7 am. I just ate a banana."
I shook my head. "The audacity."
"Last chance or you can get breakfast by yourself." Akaashi rested his right hand on his hip. I turned my head around.
"Onigiri would be nice." I said without looking at him.

"I know what we can do!" The rice in my mouth almost fell out. Akaashi's eyes widened.
"We can loot the gas station, that you worked at." I chewed on the big clump of rice and took a second bite right away. Akaashi grabbed the glas of water and handed it to me, as he noticed, that I was having troubles with swallowing.
"Bokuto-San they would notice me." He pulled out his mobile phone. "My coworkers also keep texting me, asking where I am and that I got fired."
Wait I talked to one of them. What was her name again?
"You mean Yua?" Akaashi nodded while looking at the bright screen. Suddenly his eyebrows rose. His gaze slowly turned to my direction.
"Where do you know her from?" I pressed my lips together.
"Uhm." My brain was trying so hard to find an answer. "Long story."
After a small sip out of the glass my eyebrows rose. Hold up.
"Why do you have her number?"
Yeah Mr.Pretty, now talk. Akaashi made the expression he always did, whenever I said something really dumb. It kinda looked really disappointed. "We are co-workers Bokuto-San."
My lips pressed together once again. Okay he won. I lend the glass to my mouth slowly. Akaashi was still looking at me. I chugged the water.
"You know I will always win in those." He said and smiled.
I scoffed. "Fine."

POV Akaashi

"Bokuto-San, I actually thought of some quality time together." I said and leaned back. Bokuto pulled the parking brake.
"What do you mean Akaashi? We are spending time together." I shook my head. "I mean us two, alone." Before Bokuto could say something Oikawa's head peeked between us. "No need to be rude, Keiji-Chan."
Right after, Kuroo's head peeked next to Oikawa's. "At least we stole Lev's keys for you."
Bokuto beamed with an innocent look. "They wanted to come too."
"You could walk all the way to this gas station, right Oikaa-Kun?" Kuroo loaded his gun.
"Periodt." Oikawa said while pulling the robbing mask over his head.

I kicked the glass door open.
"Everybody on the ground!" Oikawa shouted. The cashier's hands shot up in the air, shaking. He must be new here.
Oikawa held his gun into his face. "Don't worry I won't hurt you. Unless you don't give me your number."
I shook my head and waited at the door. Bokuto and Kuroo filled the two bags. This is literally the dumbest thing I've ever done. Robbing snacks. And it's even funnier, that this was the thing that made Bokuto and me meet for the first time. I smiled. Kuroo and Bokuto ran out of the door. After Oikawa jumped out I followed them. As we all got in the car Bokuto floored the gas pedal, causing everyone to fly off their seats.
"Next time we will leave you at home and bring Iwa-Chan with us!" Oikawa shouted while clasping my seat. We were holding onto our lives. Literally.

We parked the car at a big parking lot. I sat on the hood of the car. The bottle in my hand wasn't even halfway drunken. I only took two sips. Bokuto opened his second one. It looks like I have to drive. They all were befuddled.
"I bet I can lift you up with one arm." Kuroo said and took his shirt off. By the look of his bare body I froze. It was really cold. Smoke formed as he talked.
"Come here owl." He said and ducked a little bit, so he could throw Bokuto over his shoulder.
"I think that's not a good idea." I shouted but of course they weren't listening. With one arm he grabbed Bokuto's legs and straightened himself. Both floundered from left to right. As I expected, Bokuto slipped off Kuroo's shoulder and hit the floor.
"Ooow." He said and started chuckling.
Kuroo kneed next to him. "Bro are you okay?" He said tipsy.
Bokuto's chuckling turned into a loud laugh. He grabbed Kuroo's neck and pulled him down to the floor.
"Let's take a nap." He said and both laid on the floor without moving. I smiled by the look of the two. Oikawa opened the door and started the engine. He turned the radio on full volume. Suddenly my phone vibrated. I rummaged in my pocket and pulled it out. A message from an unknown number.
[You can't run from me Keiji. Tomorrow 9 pm under the bridge. Either you show up or I kill you both. Sincerely.]



Thank you sm for reading!!

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