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Akaashi stepped outside. "Bokuto-San, you could wait inside, it is cold." I shook my head and catched up on Akaashi's steps. He walked towards the bus stop.
„Hey! Wait." I stopped next to Saeko's car. Akaashi turned around. „Boba date at 7pm. Did you forget Akaashi?" I asked and held the keys up, that Saeko gave me. I literally had to beg for these damn keys again. I will buy my own car soon... someday. The pretty black haired guy turned around and walked back to my direction. Does that mean yes? This steps led him to the other side of the car. My face lit up and I smiled brightly at him. He looked at me.
„Bokuto-San may you unlock the car? I'm freezing." The smile in my face didn't fade. I was still looking at him. Akaashi smiled slightly and looked down. Yes that's what I wanted to see. He barely showed any emotions of happiness or affection. But I knew he still had them deep inside. I unlocked the car and we both sat inside. I turned on the engine and the radio started to play. I rested my hand on the back of Akaashi's seat and turned around. With quite high speed I drove reversed right onto the street. Akaashi grabbed the cockpit infront of him and widened his eyes. "I'm not planning on dying right now!"
I laughed loudly. "Don't worry Akaashi. I'm a bad driver but I promise you'll at best only loose one leg."

At the cafe we ordered our boba and sat down, facing each other. He slipped out of his beige coat and rested his elbows on the table, not looking at me. "Akaashi." I said and he looked up. His eyes met mine and for a moment I forgot what I was saying.
"Am I still a stranger to you?" He leaned back into his chair. "Yes. Bokuto-San." The corner of his mouth lifting a little bit. He enjoyed it to annoy me. This boy knew, that I was waiting for a completely different answer.
"Fine. Then I'll tell you about myself. If that's gonna make it easier for you." Akaashi lifted his eyebrows. "So my name is Kōtarō Bokuto. I am 23 years old. My favorite food is Yakiniku. And... let me think... I really hate mathematics. Oh and my Zodiac sign is virgo." Akaashi pulled the straw out of his mouth.
"That's interesting." That's it? That's all he's gonna say? I waved my hand in his face. "I didn't talk about myself so you can just say-" My eyelids dropped halfway and I imitated his uninterested face.
"- 'that's interesting' now it's your turn!" I crossed my arms.
"My name is Keiji Akaashi. I enjoy Onigiris a lot. And my zodiac sign is sagittarius." I put the boba cup back on the table. "That means your Birthday is soon. SO YOU TURN 23?"
Akaashi smiled. "Yes Bokuto-San. You seemed really happy when I told you that I was only 22."
"When is your birthdate?" I asked.
"5th December."
I shrugged my shoulders. "You're still younger than me Akaashi-Chan." He took another sip. "Since when are you working at this gas station?" My mind wandered back to the day when Tetsurō and I scared this young man to death. Everytime I looked at him I could still see the fear in his eyes. The always half-dropped eyelids were widely opened. His eyeballs shaking.
"Bokuto-San." Akaashi snapped a few times with his fingers. "Are you listening?"
"Yeah. Yes." I stuttered and looked at him. The guilt still hadn't fade. I somehow feel like that I have to tell him, that it was me. If he's gonna find it out from somewhere else, he will be really mad. But if I tell him, he'll be mad again. What in the world am I supposed to do? For now I will just... keep it as a secret. But just for now.


"I can tell that Tsukkishima's rice purity is 67 by choice." Tanaka said and put his hands behind his head.
"Dude what do you mean by choice? What's he gonna do? Tangle them up with his crusty headphones?" Noya shouted and looked at Tsukkishima. Everybody started to laugh.
Tsukkishima rolled his eyes. "Yeah let's talk about you, struggling to reach any average girls face, you rat." He pushed his glasses up and smirked. "Also the shorter the man, the shorter the..." Nishinoya cut his words.
"Not YOU telling ME what size my dick is. I don't mind showing it big man." He started to unzip his pants.
"NOYA NO!" Everybody started to prevent him.
"What do you guys think about Ukai?" Atsumu started laughing hysterically . "My man's lungs would collapse while-" Suddenly the Door opened. Sugawara and Daichi stepped inside. Everyone shut. „Okay. As we've already told you. New members are coming in today." A hand rested on my shoulder. I turned my head and saw Kuroo. „This doesn't sit right with me how about you owl?" I shrugged my shoulders.
"They are gonna be transferred from Osaka. I don't think they are gonna be a big problem." I gave all my attention back to Daichi. "All of you are grown men. New members might be a little strange for you all, but let's think about the first time we stepped inside this building. So if one of you thinks about doing something unacceptable, I will kick your-"
Sugawara cut off his words. "I'll take it from here Sawamura thanks." He smiled nervously at Daichi but as he stepped forward his mine dropped. "We all have been here for years now. We are not any organization, we're a family. We trust each other and we also make sure only trustable people get in here." Suddenly a loud engine sound rang out from outside. My eyes immediately pinned on Lev. The excitement in his body while hearing a loud car spread all over his face.
"It must be them." Sugawara said and opened the heavy metal door. Two boys stepped inside. One was smiling in a really charming way the other one had his eyebrows drawn together. "Why does he look so mad though?" I whispered into Kuroos direction.
"Okay boys. These are Tooru Oikawa and Hajime Iwaizumi." Daichi's hand pointed at the one with spikey black hair. "Hajime Iwaizumi. Our new getaway driver next to Lev and athletic trainer. Physical training will from now on be led by him." Daichi's hand wandered to the other guy. He was a little bit taller than Iwaizumi. "Tooru Oikawa. Undercover agent next to Yamaguchi. They will collect all the needed infromations from anyone while talking to them face to face."


When I tell you I'm OBSESSED with them.

I truly mean it

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I truly mean it. 🧎🏻‍♀️

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