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POV Bokuto

"Here have some water." Kuroo said and handed over a water bottle. I threw the towel over my shoulder and opened it.
"Hajime is killing me. We are already running for 20 minutes." I said and took a big sip. Kuroo shrugged. "Did you notice how Akaashi didn't stop for a single moment?" I looked around and searched for Akaashi. He was jogging. His black hair whipped back and forth with every step.
"HINATA!" My eyes wandered from Akaashi to Kageyama. He bolted after Hinata. „Not again." I said under my breath. Even though Hinata was a bit ahead, Kageyama was still able to match up. Both of them sprinted pass everyone. „They are gonna collapse every second." Kuroo said. After a couple rounds Kageyama let himself down on the floor and Hinata fell next to him.
„Told you." I laughed. "I'm gonna join Akaashi." I said and threw the sweaty towel into Kuroo's face. "BOKUTO YOU NASTY JERK!" He screamed at me. I gestured a heart and laughed loudly. Before he could throw the towel back I ran up to Akaashi. "Hey beautiful." I said and Akaashi's head jerked to my direction. He smiled. "Bokuto-San." It wasn't hard to keep up with his speed but after a while I would definetly be out of breath. Akaashi's control over his breathing while running and talking was unbelievable. It seemed like they trained really hard in Hai Yang. "Okay! Everyone 50 squads and pushups!" Hajime shouted while clapping his hands. We slowered our steps until we completely stood still. Akaashi threw his head back and exhaled loudly. My eyes clouded everything out only sweaty, heavy breathing Akaashi was clearly visible. The heat crawled up my chest and made my ears glow. Wow. He's hot. I swallowed the clump in my throat. "You're staring owl." A voice whispered into my ear from behind. I jerked and turned around. Kuroo smirked. "Crushing?" He said quietly. I punched his chest. "Shut up."


"Bokuto-San." Akaashi opened the door to my room. "Akaashi." I sat up in my bed. "My mattress is uncomfortably bad I can't sleep." A big grin formed on my face. "Aw Akaashi I didn't expect you to be so whiny." He leaned against the doorframe and rolled his eyes. "Do you want me to drive you home? We don't have to stay here." Daichi let us have the option to stay in the mansion or to go home. "Hm." Akaashi shrugged a little and crossed his arms. "Or you could sleep on the couch." Akaashi let his hands fall to his sides and sighed loudly. My head tilted and I tried to understand what the problem was. Suddenly Akaashi walked up and laid down next to me. He smacked his face with his palm and covered it. My eyes started to sparkle. He wanted me to offer him to sleep next to me. The room was dark only the white rays of the moonlight shined through the window and curtains, laying on the wall and Akaashi. I pulled his hand away from his face. "Akaashi." He was looking at me. "You could just tell me." I laid down on my side and rested my head on my arm. Akaashi turned around so, that we were facing each other. The moonlight beamed against his face in sections, bringing out his most beautiful features. "Are you tired?" I asked and grinned brightly. Akaashi knitted his eyebrows. "What are you up to Bokuto-San?"
"Are you tired?"

POV Akaashi

Suddenly Bokuto's hand pocked my side. I widened my eyes and jumped. He started laughing loudy, tickling me. By the attempt of saving myself from his attack I slipped off the bed and rolled on the floor.
"Akaashi!" Bokuto shouted concered and straightened himself. I stood up and inhaled deeply. My heart was racing.
"Bokuto-San you know how much I hate being tickled." I turned around to walk back to my room. Bokuto grabbed my wrist. "I'm sorry Akaashi. Let me make it up to you." He stood up from his bed. „Get changed."
I squinted. "It is 1 am in the morning." Bokuto smiled. "Yeah, perfect time for the stars to shine."

I pulled over a hoodie and slipped into my jeans. It was cold outside so I grabbed a jacket just in case. Bokuto was waiting outside my room. "Lev is sleeping like a bear. I stole one of his keys."
I shook my head and smiled. We stepped out of the building into the car and drove for about 20 minutes. Bokuto stopped in front of a big field. I looked at him. "What are we doing?" He pulled the keys out of the ignition switch. "Stargazing." Bokuto opened the door. I also got off the vehicle and followed him. It was dark. He grabbed a big blanket from the trunk and walked on the grass. After the blanked was set on the ground, he let himself down and looked up to me. "Come here." He said and patted the space next to him. I settled down on his right side. The cold air coated my face and hands. Bokuto laid down and pulled me down as well. The tiredness disappeared as I saw the glow of the big bright sphere in the sky. "It is full moon." Bokuto said enthusiastic. The stars where spread all over the midnight blue canvas. Bokuto pointed in the air. "I think I found the brightest star!" The way he got excited over such a small thing made my heart fill up. I turned my head to look at him. A big smile covered his face. "Let's see who is gonna catch a shooting star first." Little did he know that the chances of  seeing a shooting star within an hour is below 50%. The breeze made his hair move slightly. I adored him so much. From the way he was taking care of his people to the fact that he actually made me feel loved for once. His thrilling positive energy that carried you away from all your problems. Problems. Suddenly Hai Yang came into my mind. Bokuto turned his head to me. "Akaashi? Are you listening?" He said and I nodded. "I'm sorry. I was just thinking." I sat upright and rubbed my forehead. Bokuto followed my move. The sudden feeling of fear and impotency made my heart itch. They were going to kill me. There is no possible way that I could ever run away from Hai Yang. "What's the matter?" Bokuto asked and laid his hand on my knee. I shook my head. I would make Bokuto incredibly sad if I told him that. But it would be better for him to know. "Hai Yang just messes my mind lately." I said and looked at him. I knew what he was going to say. "I'm so-" before he could finish his sentence I spoke up. "Don't be." Bokuto eyes weren't glassy, yet they told a story full of regret and sadness. "You don't have to be sorry Bokuto-San." I picked my nails. "I am actually thankful." His eyes lit up a little. "Do you miss them?" Bokuto asked.
"But the first time I tried to make you talk you were really upset about it."
"I know. But I didn't know you that much back then." Bokuto's eyes were now sparkling. "You're happy that I forced you into Haikyuu just because of me?" I closed my eyes. Here we go again. It was true. I couldn't deny and he deserved to know. "Yes." I answered sharply. I wasn't looking at him but I knew  that he was beaming. "Hai Yang was all about the business. Drugs and guns. I got involved since I was a child. All of them were really focused on the money, that I have never seen a different thing other than that." I swallowed but the invisible cord around my throat tightened. I had never spoke to someone about that. "I haven't seen my parents before. And I still don't know where they are. My grandpa took care of me. I've never experienced something like affection or love. Only cold emotions and money." I inhaled. My eyes shifted to the side as they got covered with a thick layer of tears. I tried so hard not to cry. Crying always meant weakness to me. As I tried to blink, the tears started flowing off my eyes. They rolled down my cheeks and dripped from my chin on my hands. It was the first time that I showed someone that I was actually sad. Being sad sounded like such a simple thing to me. Like you could make yourself feel better after eating some ice cream and watching your favorite show. But this time I could literally feel the pain in my chest. Knowing that I actually meant something to someone. Knowing that someone was actually caring about me and my feelings. And knowing that it would be over soon before it had even started. With the back of my hand I wiped the tears away. I would never do that but I somehow was begging for Bokuto's comfort. I noticed how much it made me feel better and how much I needed it. Bokuto made me realize how touch starved I was my whole life. He helped me to recover from my meaningless years. I swallowed once again and took a deep breath to continue what I was saying. "But one day you walked through the petrol shop door and placed a water bottle on the counter." I wanted to let him know but I wasn't able to speak any further than that. My mind completed the whole essay that I actually wanted to say.
[You tried so hard to get to know me even though I was really cold first and rejected you a few times. I never could imagine of such a bond, that we built within this month. I never believed in that. But you showed me that it was real. That life meant so much more than money. That there were so many small things that could make me happy. You teached me how to smile and love Bokuto-San. I am so glad that you robbed the shop, came back to get to know me, took me on a boba date. I am so glad that we both were on a mission at the same place and I am so glad that a shooting started. I am so glad that you stopped me from killing you and carried me to your mansion. I am so glad that I met you Bokuto-San.]
Bokuto grabbed my hands to stop me from picking the skin around my nails. I noticed that my thumb started bleeding. "Hai Yang was business. But you seem like family to me." I said and looked up. He showed me what family really means. "Akaashi. I know they are gonna be after you." Bokuto said. Surprisingly this time he didn't sound sad. His words were spoken a bit aggressively. "And I will do anything to keep you alive. No one is going to hurt you. I won't let that happen." I leaned my forehead against his shoulder. "Thank you Bokuto-San." I said quietly, knowing that it was impossible.


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