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POV Bokuto

I turned my head around and looked out of the window, the sun beams that shone trough the half closed blinds stroked my face gently. It almost felt like a warm, familiar palm cupping my right cheek. I closed my eyes and let out a weak sigh. The position that I was laying in was the exact same one I fell asleep in. Didn't I even move a single inch? The corner of my mouth lifted as I thought about how I used to move way too much while sleeping.
"You would be surprised." I mumbled through the smile. The sun disappeared slowly behind the clouds but I didn't open my eyes. There was no sound. Not even a single person talking. Or a bird chirping. It was peacefully quiet. That kind of quietness that didn't make you feel lonely. The one that felt like a warm hug. A warm, familiar hug.

POV Airi

I kneeled down and looked at the flowers that started blooming in different bright colors. It was my favorite time of the year: Spring. Everything looked much prettier with beautiful big trees, bright green grass and flowers that added the final details of  nature's artwork. The little bee that was pollinating the flower crawled out causing the flower to wag back and forth. These little bright details covered up everything that seemed dark. Or grey like the stones that I was looking at. The bee made it's way to another flower. I let my gaze follow it, until the bee was out of sight. Then I slowly turned my head back and smiled.
"It's been a few days now." I crossed my legs and pulled them near to my chest.
"And I still haven't cried yet daddy. And I know you wouldn't want me to." My head tilted slightly and the  smile grew on my face.
"What else would I want, than you two being reunited again?" I paused for a moment.
"Daddy told me so much about you dad. I know how much he wanted to see you again and I can imagine you did too." Another break that was caused by a deep breath.
"I didn't get to see you in person dad, but I want you to know that I still love you as much as I love daddy. I told you this already so many times, I know." A silent chuckle.
"Soon I will meet you. And I can't wait to see you two together." With both hands I pushed myself up and stood straight, dusting off the back of my skirt.
"Sometimes angels need to get back to where they came from." I said and placed the flowers on the graves.
"I love you. Both of you."

Thank you sm for 50 k reads!
I am sorry this is fucking sad and depressing again I don't even think that's the right way to thank someone but I felt a lil motivated again. I promise that if I write again it will be fluff. Lmao SORRY!

Take care of yourselves! 🧸

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