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POV Bokuto

"BOKUTO DID WHAT?" Noya screamed.
Oikawa nodded and held his thumb up. "He just shot off that motherfucker's thumb."
Tanaka's palm slapped against his mouth. "That's so fucked up, yet so COOL!"
I crossed my arms infront of my chest. "It had to be done." My eyes met Akaashi's. He shook his head slightly. I nodded back as responds. "We could've just wait 5 more minutes for Kenma to hack the system.-" Oikawa talked. "-But you had to act all sadistic and weird."
I shot up from my seat and pointed my index finger at Oikawa. "Without me you would be dead."
Suddenly the door opened and Daichi walked inside. He sat down in his seat and let his eyes wander all over the members.
"Okay boys-" Daichi's words got cut off by Saeko's hysterical coughing. She cleared her throat and leaned back in her seat. Daichi raised his eyebrows. "-and Saeko-San of course. The results of your mission in Mexico city seemed like a big success. We interviewed every member that was involved and we got to a conclusion."
What conclusion could it be? I placed my hand on my chin and lowered my gaze.
Daichi spoke further. "We will have a small change in the positions."
My eyes widened. After the capos Kuroo and I have the highest degree within the members. What if Kuroo's position climed higher than me? We both always fought for the highest degree, as a joke of course. The thought of a conflict that could probably damage our friendship made my heart feel really heavy. I waved the thoughts away. That would never happen. But what if Oikawa gets the same degree or higher? That would be even worse.
"As we heard from everyone, one soldier had excellent and shocking skills, that's why we think Akaashi deserves the degree as a warrant soldier."
My eyes shot up as I heard Akaashi's name. Everyone was looking at him. I wasn't able to see him because Kuroo sat inbetween us.
Sugawara would always interview every involved member after a mission, so we could make such changes or improvments in our organization. Suddenly I realized how much I talked about Akaashi. Daichi said a lot of members talked about him. A small bitter jealous feeling lit up inside me.
"Keiji Akaashi is from now on our warrant soldier next to Kōtarō Bokuto and Tetsurō Kuroo."
I leaned a bit into Kuroo's direction. "Notice how he said my name before yours?"
Kuroo leaned in too and hit my shoulder a little bit harder. "Don't kid yourself asshole." He whispered back smirking.

We walked out of the conference hall. I catched up on Akaashi's steps. "Aghashee!"
He turned around. I stopped infront of him.
"Bokuto-San." He smiled. "How do you feel about the fact to be in the same position as the most handsome warrant soldier?" I grinned. Akaashi brushed his hair back, but they still managed to fall back to their position. Before he could answer Sugawara appeared next to us. "He almost forgot to mention the thumb while talking about you Keiji." He smiled squinting and continued his steps.
I closed my eyes, pressing index finger and thumb against them. My gaze lowered. God Sugawara. Suddenly cold fingers embraced my hand and pulled it away from my face. Akaashi smiled slightly. I looked into his heavy eyes. His lids covered half of the navy irises. Just like an umbrella, under a starry night, protecting you from the pouring rain.
"Great." He said quietly almost whispering. We were standing in the middle of the hall, just looking into each other's eyes. His eyes wandered all over my face and stopped at my lips. A bubbling feeling filled my stomach and my knees got weak. Every second felt like a minute, and every minute felt like an hour. His eyes wandered back up and they locked with mine once again. The second I lost myself in the galaxy reflecting his eyes, I could feel myself fall. Fall deeper and deeper.
Suddenly a abruptly voice tolled through the hallway. "Just fucking do it already!"
My eyes shot wide open, so did Akaashi's. He jerked by the loud shouting that came from my right side. It was Kuroo. We both turned our heads to the direction. Kuroo and Oikawa leaned against the wall next to the conference hall. As Akaashi noticed that he was still holding onto my hand, he let it go quickly. His hands folded behind his back.
"C'mon that's not fair!" Oikawa shouted and punched against Kuroo's arm. "Now they won't do it."
Kuroo shrugged his shoulders. "Yeah I won the bet. You will pay for the Korean BBQ."
Oikawa picked himself up the wall. "Fuck off! You didn't win anything rooster looking ass."
I looked back to Akaashi. The voices blurred. „Wanna grab something to drink?" I asked.
Akaashi tilted his head a little bit. „Bubble tea?"
My smile grew into a big grin. „Sure."


Alright. I deadass mentioned the thumb once again 😩. I'm sorry.
Thank you so much for reading!

⭕️Spot The Difference Game⭕️
[Lvl: Hard]

⭕️Spot The Difference Game⭕️[Lvl: Hard]

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Please don't ask which manga the rooster panel is from, trust me you don't wanna know

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Please don't ask which manga the rooster panel is from, trust me you don't wanna know. And if you already know I'm sorry lmao.

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