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POV Akaashi

„Be a good grandson and put your gun down." His words bore into my chest. My limbs were like frozen. Suddenly his warm breath was blowing on my neck. He was really close to my ear. „How have you been?" My eyes were starring into Maven's, but everything in my sight was blurry. The gun in my hand removed from his forehead slowly and fell to the ground. Maven turned me around and pressed the gun against my neck a little too hard, causing my eyebrows to draw together. Now I was facing him. The white hair and beard. The dark blue eyes, that he transmitted to me.
I have never seen my mother's eyes. Not even in photos. That's why I don't know if she had the same one. Ojisan laid his hand on my right cheek and brushed it with his palm. „Is this how you thank me?-„
Suddenly Maven's arms clamped my shoulders from my underarms.
„-For making you the best soldier in Hai Yang and giving everything you wanted in life?" He striked his right arm out and punched against my jaw. The pain stabbed it's way up to my cheek. Blood filled my mouth and I looked back into his eyes.
"I had faith in you. But you're nothing different than your useless mother. A traitor."
My eyes widened. "My mother?" I stuttered. My whole life along he told me that my parents left me without a reason. He made me hate them even though I never had the chance to know the truth. He lied to me. Ojisan started laughing.
"What do you know about my parents?" I shouted in his face. The anger heated my whole body. I tried to free myself from Maven's grip. After many attempts my body failed to stay any stronger.
"You told me they left me." I said, my voice was shaking. Tears started to collect in my eyes. "What did you do to them?" 
He grabbed my hair and pulled my head back, eyes looking straight into my soul. "Don't worry. You will personally just find it out."
Tears started rolling down my cheeks. How could I be so stupid and naive? He took my parents away from me. He was the one that put my first trauma in my life. Growing up without parental love. I was about to loose my mind. The sadness got dimmed by the amount of rage that collected in my veins, causing my head to glow. I spit into his face. He closed his eyes. The bloody spit was running down his forehead. Ojisan exhaled and wiped the spit off with the back of his hand.
"You're a dead man, Keiji." He whispered and started walking towards the stairs. "Get him in the car Maven." He said without turning around.

Maven twisted my arm far up my back. I clenched my jaw. The gun was still leaning against my neck. "I am going to blow out your brain." A nasty laugh escaped his mouth, causing my ears to pain. He pushed me up the stairs. "But first I am going to beat the fuck out of you. You will experience the most painful and slow death ever."
Out of a sudden Bokuto came into my mind. My eyes roamed the whole room. Where was he? He wouldn't leave without me. I know that he wouldn't. Was he dead? What if he was laying somewhere lifeless. The panic grew and grew with every second that passed. Where was he? I stopped my steps.
Maven tried to push me but I resisted. "Move or I will kill you on the spot."
Police sirens started ringing out from the blocks.
"You piece of shit if the police arrives-" Without ending his sentence he stepped into the hollow of one knee causing me to fall on my them. I quickly turned my hand and grabbed his wrist. With my whole bodyweight I leaned forward and threw Maven over my head to the ground. I grabbed the gun, that slipped of his hand and pointed at him. With a jolt I stood up from the ground. He was laying on the floor facing me from upside down.
"I will see you in hell." I said and loaded the gun. My head lifted as I noticed police cars stopping infront of the shop.
"You're a lucky bastard." I said and started running towards the emergency exit. Ojisan's car started his engine and I looked inside.
Grey owl hair. "Bokuto-San!" I shouted and started running after the car.
"Bokuto-San!" My feet got faster with every step I made, the speed of my heart racing made my throat throb. The car was way faster than me but I kept running. As it was out of sight I let myself fall on the ground. The oxygen filled my lungs but it got exhaled right away. I forced myself to stand up and run after him but I knew it was impossible. My legs didn't move a single inch. The feeling of hopelessness teared my heart into a million pieces. I wanted to do something but my body resisted. The sweat on my forehead cooled down as the cold wind hit my face.
"Bokuto-San." I said out of breath. Tears started running down my face.
"I am so sorry Bokuto-San." My hands balled into fists. I will get you out of there. And I will kill every single one in Hai Yang.



Notice how Akaashi has major mommy issues (in this story!) because he never experienced motherly love that's why he always craves for Bokuto's touch and affection. Cause Bokuto was the first one to show him how it feels like to be loved. 🧍🏻‍♀️
Imma make myself cry.

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