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POV Bokuto

I grabbed the bubble tea cup and walked up to Akaashi. I let myself down on the seat and teared open the straw package with my teeth. Akaashi looked at me.
"Last time you didn't order this." He said and chewed on the pearls in his mouth.
I nodded. "I always try out new things, there is always one better than the other." Akaashi's eyes wandered to his brown sugar bubble milk tea. It was also his order when we had our first boba date. He took a sip and looked back up to me.
"Can I taste yours?" Akaashi asked with slight puppy eyes. A soft smile made the corners of my mouth lift. My heart got wrapped up with a warm feeling. I nodded and handed him my cup. Akaashi sucked on the straw.
"Mango?" He asked and I nodded once again. My eyes wandered all over his face. Admiring every inch of it. As he chewed on the tapioca pearl his cheeks puffed a little. His head lifted and he held my gaze.
"I like yours better." He said and handed me his drink. I grabbed the cup without breaking the eye contact. Dark ocean eyes. The depth and beauty of the big waves. Starring at them felt like diving in them. Deep and calm.
Akaashi's gaze hovered over my shoulder and focused on the spot he was looking at. Suddenly the calmness in his eyes faded and a vexing look overcame his face.
"Akaashi." I whispered and he looked back to me.
"Don't move Bokuto-San." He said, eyes pingponging from me to the place over my shoulder. My hand slowly wandered under the table to my gun. I looked through the shop. Some customers were sitting and talking, enjoying their drinks. Except for one girl. The hood was pulled all the way down to her face. But the blonde hair was still showing.
"Bokuto-San-" Before Akaashi could finish his sentence the girl shot up from her seat and pointed a gun at Akaashi. With a quick move I jumped over the table and kicked Akaashi causing him to fall off his chair. Everybody in the shop started screaming. Before I could react the girl pulled the trigger and shot into my right shoulder. A loud groan espaced my mouth and I clenched my teeth. The gun was about to fall off my hand but I lifted it up and shot the girl into both shoulders. She was feeble. The bullets caused her to fall on the ground. Akaashi picked himself up off the floor and looked at me.
"Bokuto-San!" He said out of breath. My eyes filled with tears and the pain numbed my whole arm.

POV Akaashi

I looked at Bokuto's shoulder. The blood was streaming out of the wound. His long sleeved shirt was already soaked. After a few shots fell on us I peeked my head over the table and tried to shoot. Without success. It was them. The person I saw. It was Maven. No one would be able to challenge my shots except for a Hai Yang soldier. I ducked under the table. How many of them are here? How did they find us? I looked at Bokuto and grabbed the hole in his shirt, where the bullet shot through. I teared it open and saw how deep the wound was.
Tears ran down Bokuto's face. They hurt him. No one was allowed to hurt him. Furiousness made my head glow. I stripped my shirt off and folded it. "Keep pressure on the wound. I will get us out of here."
Bokuto's face twisted in pain. With my black tank top I wiped the sweat off my forehead. I stood up and shot everyone that hit my sight. Without even thinking if it was a customer or not. At this point I didn't care. I just wanted to see them dead. They could be anywhere. And I was ready to kill them all.
"I will fucking sue you Maven!" I shouted. Everyone that I was taking aim on fell to the ground. The anger made my heart race increasingly. Maven appeared behind a table and ran to the stairs. Suddenly someone grabbed my shoulder. I held my breath and turned around quickly holding the gun right against the person's temple. My breath escaped through my nose as I saw Bokuto. He pulled me down to the floor.
"I'll take care of the people here. Go get him." He said with furrowed brows. I shook my head. "No I can't leave you alone Bokuto-San. They-" Bokuto's grip tightened. "Go."
Without a response I picked myself up and started running after Maven. Bokuto's dominant arm was injured. But he was still a warrant soldier.
Please just stay alive Bokuto.
I ran down the stairs. As I opened the door to the restroom my face met a gun. Maven.
"It's been a long time Keiji." He smirked evil.  I also pointed my gun against his forehead. I hated him with everything I had. He looked like a toad, especially with the green hair. Suddenly cold heavy metal leaned against the back of my head. Click.
"Gun down." As the voice filled my ears my eyes widened and a shiver made my knees tremble. Maven's smirk grew into a big grin, showing all 32 teeth. The dryness in my mouth hindered the words that I was trying to speak. That voice made a scary yet so nostalgic feeling rush through my veins.
"My lovely Keiji." My heart hammered against my chest. There was only one word that I was able to force out.


Jiji / Ojisan means grandfather in japanese 👴🏻.

Anyways what is this old man gonna do? Chase him with his walking rollator?

Thank you sm for reading!

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