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POV Akaashi

„The kids have been transfered to the orphanage safely." Kuroo spoke to Sugawara through the screen.
Sugawara nodded. „Is anyone injured?" He asked and leaned back into his seat. „No, everyone arrived unharmed and healthy."
„Okay good job boys. As a reward we will let you stay 2 nights. Have fun and don't forget to stay safe and unnoticed. They are probably after you guys." Sugawara smiled big. Something about him was really calming.
"Thank you capo Sugawara." Kuroo said and pressed the red button to hang up. As Sugawara's face disappeared from the screen Kuroo turned around. "We had an exhausting day. Rest well."


The cold water splashed against my face. I looked into the mirror. Was I feeling happy or sad? I still couldn't tell. When I think back to the days at Hai Yang the only thing I can remember is killing and money. Friends or trusted people didn't even fill a little space by the thought of Hai Yang. I followed a drop rolling down my forehead with my eyes. All the way down to my chin. Suddenly the day under the pouring rain came to my mind. The way Bokuto made me even enjoy one of the things I hated the most. Soaking my clothes in the rain.
A smile flitted over my lips. Even the thought of Bokuto embraced my heart and body with a warm touch. My whole life I was a silent shadow, crying for help without bringing out a single noise. And he heard me. Bokuto came into my life and taught me how to enjoy the little things. The drop dripped from my chin and disappeared.
When would it be over? Is he going to disappear like that too?

I opened the door to the bedroom. Bokuto was already sleeping. With quiet steps I walked to the big sliding door, which led to the balcony. I opened it and stepped outside. The warm weather was gone and a cool breeze skimmed on my bare arms. A little freeze made me shake and I leaned on the balcony lattice.
The bright moon shone on the big night blue canvas. Stargazing. Again Bokuto came into my mind. I closed my eyes and noticed how all the little things reminded me of him. He deleted the traumatic things off my memory and filled the gaps with himself. I turned around and stepped inside. The warmth of the room hit my face and made my cheeks burn. I climbed in the bed and buried my face into my pillow. Not even a single sign of tiredness. I lifted my head and looked at Bokuto. His back was facing me. "Bokuto-San." I whispered and tapped his shoulder.

POV Bokuto

"Bokuto-San." I opened my heavy eyelids an turned around, as I realized that Akaashi was tapping my shoulder. "Yes?" I rubbed my eyes with the back of my hand. "What's wrong Akaashi? Is something wrong?"
He let himself down and looked up to the ceiling. "Well, I can't sleep."
As my eyes habituated to the darkness I could see Akaashi's face. The slender eyes. His short thick eyebrows. The perfect nose and the tinted thin lips. Everything was just perfect. "Is there something on your mind?" I asked.
Now Akaashi turned his head to me and looked into my eyes. He didn't answer, but it looked like the words he wanted to say, have been laying on his tongue for days or even weeks. One string of his hair was laying on his forehead. I reached my right hand to his face to fix it. Akaashi twitched just like I was about to punch him. I stopped my hand from moving. He wasn't afraid to get punched. The way he looked into Iwaizumi's eyes when he got beat up by him, showed how fearless Akaashi was. He jerked because he wasn't familiar with someone else's warm touch. He wasn't used to all the affinity that I showed him. And I can say that this is the bare minimum of my love. I looked into his navy eyes. My hand grabbed the hair string and brushed it back into his hair. Akaashi's pupils started shaking. I brushed once again trough them and his is eyelids relaxed. My hand wandered to his left cheek and I rested my hand on it. Akaashi now closed his eyes and exhaled. Who hurt you? I have never seen someone so touch-starved. Where have I been your whole life along? Why didn't I walk into the petrol office any earlier? Akaashi started to tremble. He was holding back his tears. Without any success, the tears started to stream down his face. With my thumb I wiped the tears away.
"Come here Akaashi." I said and opened my arms. He opened his eyes and looked at me. The tears coating his eyeballs made them look like they were made out of glass. Finally he snuggled himself in between my arms and buried his face in my chest. His body was shaking. I hugged him and brushed his spine up and down for comfort.
"Bokuto-San." He mumbled. I hummed as a response. "Promise me you won't leave me." I closed my eyes. Breaking a promise means breaking someone's heart. And I don't want to break Akaashi's heart. What if I don't leave Akaashi, but what if he gets taken away from me? I digged my nose into his soft black hair.
"Promise Bokuto-San?" He repeated.
"I promise Akaashi." I said and gave him a little kiss on the top of his head. After a while Akaashi's body stopped shaking. The rhythm of his breath evened. He was asleep. I promise Akaashi.


Soft and sad BokuAka hours, because I was feeling extra gay and emotional today. Thank you sm for reading!

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