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POV Akaashi

I sprinted the stairs up. My feet didn't stop. I will kill you. For everything that you have done to me. My mother. Lia and Oikawa. The blood shot up into my head and I felt how my body filled with heat and anger. I stopped next to a heavy metal door. My chest rose and relaxed with a rapid speed and I felt how my heart was throbbing against my throat. My body pushed the door open and I held my gun close to my face. No one. With a sharp move I ducked and leaned against the wall. My legs were shaking after running too fast. Suddenly a shot fell on the wall right next to me. I pushed the heavy metal door back open, to get to the stairwell, but I got surprised by a blonde guy. I gasped, as he kicked the gun out of my hand. It slided all the way through the big hall. As he drew his right arm out to hit me, I ducked and grabbed his head with both hands quickly. With all the strength that was left in my arms I pushed his head down and lifted my knee. His head crashed against my leg and I clenched out of pain.
"Fuck." I groaned. The blonde tumbled a few steps back but he straightened himself right away. With the back of his hand he wiped the blood away, that was running out of his nose.
"You miserable mutt." He mumbled and took a big swing with his right leg. With both hands I clasped onto it and tightened my grip. As my eyes looked back up to him, my face got hit by his fist. He pulled his leg back to the ground causing me to fall on my knees. With both hands he pushed my head down. The pain numbed my whole face and I clenched my teeth. Come on Akaashi. I said to myself. My body was like giving up. There was no energy left.
I closed my eyes but they shot open again, as I saw the image in my head. Bokuto. Where was he? All the time I was only thinking about Hai Lee. Where was Bokuto? Did something happen to him? I wrapped my arms around his legs and pushed my fists into the back of his knees, causing his legs to bend. He lost balance and I pushed his whole weight to the side. He fell to the floor, laying on his stomach. I grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his back. With my free fist I punched into his face. Multiple times. While punching I shouted. Every time my knuckles hit the bones of his face, a stinging pain went up my whole arm. I grabbed the door handle and opened the door.
"Go to hell." I said and crushed the heavy metal door against his head multiple times. I looked at the motionless body underneath me. My eyes closed and I inhaled. I am a horrible person.
Bokuto would never do something like that. He wouldn't even shoot a bullet right into someone's skull. And here I am, killing this man with my bare hands. I got up. Do I even deserve him?

POV Bokuto

"There are no more HY soldiers crossing my way." Kuroo's voice spoke through the ear bud.
"Same though." I answered. "Sugawara are you okay?" I asked and took slow steps forward.
"Yes. I just got injured a little. Kiyoko is taking care of me." He said. My mind wandered back to Akaashi's mother. What was she doing here? There was no way, for her to hide this well for so many years. The fact, that she knew, that Akaashi was with us showed, that she was following him step by step. Why didn't she help him out of there? Did she have a good reason? My heart filled with guilt, as I realized, that I didn't listen to, what she wanted to tell me. If Akaashi didn't mean anything to her, she wouldn't keep watching him over all these years. One foot after another. Slowly and carefully. It seemed like most of the HY soldiers where already dead. But where was he? I didn't even walk pass him once. My heart started beating faster. Nothing happened to him right? I would be able to run into his arms after all of this was over. Right?
I waved my mind clear as footsteps clanged through the hallway. I held my gun up and rotated once. As the foot steps neared themselves from behind I turned around. My eyelids relaxed as I saw him at the end of the corridor. His black hair was a mess. The dark blue eyes looked tired. My eyes started burning and I let my gun down.
"Akaashi." I said under my breath. He was alright. We made it. He was standing infront of me. He was real. My heart started pounding really fast and my knees felt mushy. I took slow steps forward.
Akaashi smiled, causing his cheeks to puff up a little. My steps fastened. He opened his arms and ran towards me. I needed him in my arms right now. Every second passing felt like a waste of time. Only a few meters.
"Akaashi!" I shouted and smiled big. He was real. It was him. Only three steps left.
Suddenly a gun shot echoed through the whole building. Akaashi's eyes widened and his jaw dropped. My heart skipped a beat and everything froze. The world. Akaashi. Myself. He lost balance and fell into my arms. I caught him and wrapped my arms around him. My brain stuttered, almost shutting down. Everything moved way slower than it usually did. It felt like every single strand of air was squeezed out of my lungs. I wasn't able to breathe. Another shot fell and made me flounder one step back. I raised my hand quickly and took aim on the person. As I pulled the trigger the bullet shot right between his eyebrows. He collapsed on the floor without any hesitation. My shaking hand wandered to my side.
"A..Akaashi." I stuttered and laid my hand on his back. As I felt my hand getting wet I clasped his shirt. My eyes were still wide open, I didn't dare to blink. Akaashi's body was laying heavily on me. I let us down on our knees slowly and placed my hand behind his head. With a small push I got him off my shoulder. I looked at him. His body relaxed. "Akaashi." I said. My jaw was trembling, making me unable to talk. Akaashi blinked once. Tears started running down to the sides of his head. He was still alive.
"Please. I'm sorry." My sight got blurry and tears started dripping on his shirt. "Akaashi please talk to me." I pulled his head close to me and dug my head into his neck. The smell of lemongrass and sweat filled my lungs. I laid my lips on his face. The taste of his salty tears brushed over my tongue everytime I licked over my lips. I wrapped my arms around his torso, his head was hanging down.
"A-AKAASHI PLEASE!" I shouted. Akaashi's grip around my shirt loosened slowly. I took his head into my shaking hand again and looked at him. His arm dropped to his side and the blue eyes rolled back. No. No. As I opened my mouth a loud cry halled though the building. I gasped for air. The thick layer of tears dripped all over Akaashi's Face. I placed him to the ground carefully, trying not to hurt him. My whole body was shaking. I grabbed his face. The blood smeared all over his cheek.
"Akaashi. You're not gone right? Please... don't leave... me." My teeth rattled as I was looking at him. Everything around me turned into a blur. The pain in my heart rumbled inside me, causing my whole body to tremble. I grabbed Akaashi's neck and pulled him again back to me. His arms were hanging to his sides. I hugged him tightly. The screaming and sobbing got interrupted by the need to catch for air. I brushed his hair back and kissed his forehead. My eyes closed and I swayed back and forth. After the screaming calmed, I felt how my throat was burning. No this can't be real. This is not real.
"Don't leave me Akaashi."



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