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POV Bokuto

Sugawara slowed down his speed.
"Shh." He hushed.
I straightened myself and looked around. Nothing was happening. Sugawara stopped his car fully. His hand still was resting on the gear stick. The tension in these situations would always tighten the air. Sweat pearls started forming on my forehead. I turned my head to Kuroo. He also was sitting upright, ears straightened, just like a curious cat. Suddenly Sugawara floored the gas pedal.
The speed of the car pushed me into my seat. He was taking quick turns, heading towards the bridge that crossed the big Kawaguchi lake, but out of a sudden a silver car drifted infront of us, only a few meters too far away. Sugawara evaded the car and got on the bridge. I turned around and watched the car following us.
Danm it. They also got a really good driver. How was he able to get back on road, after drifting this far. The few cars infront of us drove to the side to open the road, causing a few one to crash into each other. Sugawara slowed down his speed, allowing the silver car to come really close.
"Sugawara!" I shouted and loaded the gun quickly. My heart nearly stopped. He steered the car to the right and hit the brake pedal. The silver car appeared right next to me. They now were driving side by side.  Sugawara's window was down, the brunette front passenger had full aim on him.
But before he could shoot, Sugawara removed his left hand from the steering wheel and pulled his gun out. He was looking straight on the road, only his eyes peeked to the side. He pulled the trigger 2 times in a row and shoot both soldier's in the car right in their head.
The car lost it's control and crashed against the following one behind us.
My eyes widened. I looked at Kuroo. He was looking at Sugawara with big eyes too. He didn't even need our help to shoot. He did both by himself.
"Sugawara so badass." I said under my breath. There truly was a reason for him to be the capo.
"Alright Kuroo-Kun that one's for you." Sugawara shouted and steered the wheel fully to his left. I clasped onto his seat, to make sure, that I wasn't flying out of the window.
We drifted towards the other direction. As the Hai Yang soldier appeared next to Kuroo's window he shot them down. I peeked my head next to Sugawara's.
"I want one too!" I shouted into his ear. "I want to do that too!"
I got in position. My whole body flexed, as I took resistance against the speed of the car.
"Alright owl." Sugawara said smiling.

POV Akaashi

I leaned back as another shot fell in the distance. The range did start already.
"Yes?" Iwaizumi asked and pressed the earbud into his ear. After listening for a while he spoke up again. "Alright guys." He spoke. "Kenma discovered an abandoned company building with an underground parking garage. We will have to arrive before Sugawara."
I turned around and looked at Atsumu, Nishinoya and Tanaka.
"Did you get that?" I asked. Nishinoya balled his fists.
"Ain't gotten it any better." His eyes were almost flaming up. I turned around to Iwaizumi, as he started talking.
"I will kill every single bastard." He said quietly. An empty smile formed on his face. "I will never forgive them."

I got out of the car.
"We don't have much time." I said and got infront of everyone.
"Tanaka you will get on the roof top of the building. Everyone outside the building trying to enter, is going to get shot down, alright?" He nodded. My finger wandered to Nishinoya.
"Get on the 7th floor inside the building. You already know what you have to do."
Iwaizumi opened the trunk. Everyone got their equipment out.
"Atsumu, Iwaizumi and I are going to take care of them on the first floor." My eyebrows drew together. "Stay alive and kill everyone that crosses your way." I clenched my jaw by the thought of Hai Lee. I will gladly take care of him by myself.

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