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I leaned forward and stuck my head between Iwaizumi and Oikawa. „Turn left and it'll be right there." I said and pointed my finger at the green wooden door. An Irish pub.
„Iwa please wait really close to the door, so if anything happens, we will jump right in." Oikawa swung open the mirror and looked at himself. He put on the black framed glasses. „I know exactly what I am doing Oikawa. If you keep on getting on my nerves, I will just drive away."
Oikawa looked at him. „Nah you wouldn't let me die Iwa-Chan. You love me way too much." Iwaizumi shook his head, but as he tried to speak I stuck my head between them again. „Can we just get in and do our job Tooru?" I tucked the gun in my waistband. We both stepped outside and walked into the pub. As we arrived Oikawa pushed the door handle. A lot of men sitting and drinking, talking really loudly. I walked ahead and my eyes searched for Tsutomu Riku. The Capo of ‚Red Jasmine'.
They are located in Kyoto. This Organization had one of the best female soldiers. She called herself ‚Fun'. One year ago her body was found dead in Tokyo, so they accused, that we've killed her. Since that day, they've been threatening us. Luckily Kenma could hack into their capo's phone, making him able to read all their messages and e-mails. Without Kenma we wouldn't be able to do anything. Literally nothing. He really is the eye and mind of the organization.
Red hair, red buzzed hair. My eyes searched for Riku but I couldn't see anyone looking like him. Oikawa and I sat down towards the barkeeper. The smell of strong alcohol made my nose itch.
„Two whiskey on the rocks, please." Oikawa held his hand up, gesturing the number two. I raised an eyebrow.
"Don't try to have too much fun Oikawa." I whispered to him. He laughed and laid his head back into his neck.
"Ah c'mon Bokuto. I am professional. Don't worry about that." The blonde barkeeper placed two glasses infront of us. Tooru took a sip. He turned his whole body around and rested his right elbow on the bar counter, facing me. "I see him." He said and smiled, just like he was talking about his favorite color or his pet frog.
I grabbed my glass. "What is he doing?" I took a small sip. Don't drink too much Bokuto. Just small sips. Oikawa told me not to leave my drink untouched.
If you ever see someone sitting in a pub, not laying a finger on his drink, he is suspicious.
"He's sitting with 4 men, pulling out a file." Oikawa looked into my eyes. "I can't hear them. We need Kenma to get access to his mic."
Oikawa got off his chair. "I'll take a call outside, it's too noisy here Bokuto." I watched him walk out of the door and turned my head around, but suddenly my gaze met dark blue eyes. Lids halfway dropped. He took a sip out of his glass, talking to the person sitting in front of him. Akaashi. What is he doing here? I need to get him out of here before a mass shooting starts. I grabbed my glass and walked into his direction. He looked up and saw me. His eyes widened a little bit but they turned back to normal real quick.
"Excuse me." He said to the brunette male sitting infront of him. He got up and walked up to me. "Bokuto-San." He said. I smiled brightly at him, trying my best to hide the panic that's been cording up my throat.
"So you really are obsessed with me Akaashi." I took a sip out of my glass. Akaashi smiled. "Yeah funny how I didn't notice you walking in here." I laid my hand on his shoulder. "Err.. what are you doing here. Aren't you working?"
He shook his head. God how am I supposed to get him out of here? Oikawa walked up to us.
"How rude of you, to leave my drink unsupervised Bokuto. Do you want me to get poisoned?" He said and walked to the counter. I looked back to Akaashi. He opened his mouth, but before he could say anything gun shots were fired. I grabbed Akaashi's head and ducked under a table. With my foot I kicked the table using it as a shield. My hands immediately grabbed the gun and started to shoot.
Til this day I have never shot anyone directly dead. My target has always been the undeadly spots, just to weaken them. It's like I have the chance to give them an alternative to live. If they die afterwards I can still say, that I gave them a second chance.
I didn't worry about Oikawa. On the side of his good acting skills for the undercover agency, he also is one of the best soldiers in the group. After Kuroo and me of course.
I loaded the gun and checked on Akaashi. But as I turned my head around my heart skipped a beat and my jaw dropped. A shiver crawled up my foot, all the way to my ears.
Keiji Akaashi. Gas station boy. My boba date. Holding a gun, shooting at people. As his gaze met mine his eyes widened as well. This can't be the boy, who looked extremely scared of the gun, that I was holding into his face back then. We looked at each other for a while.
"Bokuto-San." He said out of breath. Without any hesitation I kicked him in the chest, making him roll over his head. The gun slipped out of his hand. He got up, but I grabbed him and pulled us both down, as the shots started to fall on us.  It felt like I was trying to push ourselves through the cold wooden floor.
With my left hand I pressed his head against my chest, with the other one I shot into the left shoulder of a grey haired man.
"Bokuto!" Oikawa ran towards the door. "Get the fuck outta here!" He screamed and jumped out of the pub.
Suddenly Akaashi punched my side making me gasp for air. He freed his head and hit my face.
"What the fuck Akaashi?" I said appalled. "What the fuck to you Bokuto-San!" He screamed. I grabbed his wrist and threw him off me on the ground. My knee pressed against his back and I twisted his arm. With the side of my palm I thumped his carotid artery. Every single muscle in Akaashi's body relaxed. He fainted. I grabbed the 155 lbs heavy boy and tripped outside.
Rapidly I opened the door and threw Akaashi in, jumping inside as-well.  Iwaizumi stepped on the gas as soon as the door closed.
"ONCE WE'RE SAFE I'M TOTALLY KICKING YOUR ASS." He screamed and took a quick turn. 
Oikawa turned around to us. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING? WHO IS THAT?" He looked at Akaashi then back to me. I breathed heavily.
"Mind you business." I spoke and grabbed Akaashi's arm. His muscles were still relaxed. My stomach was weak. I was trying to settle everything down that happened within the few minutes. This can't be fucking real.


Well, now it's getting interesting ..🏃🏻‍♀️

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