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POV Akaashi

I opened my eyes. The first thing that crossed my mind was Hai Yang. With the back of my hands I rubbed my eyes and looked at the alarm clock next to me. 3 pm. How did I manage to sleep for so long? As I stood up from my bed I felt the headache picking the side of my head. I wasn't able to escape the pain for the past few weeks. It almost felt like I was getting used to it. I leaned against the wall for a few seconds and closed my eyes. Just like sleeping I also wasn't able to eat well. It felt like someone stabbed a knife right into my skull. With slow steps I headed towards the door and opened it. As I walked into the living room my eyes squinted. Almost everyone sat around the big table. Everyone's gaze pinned on me.
"What the fuck is going on?" I asked, brushed my hair back and looked into the round. Bokuto, Kuroo, Oikawa, Iwaizumi, Kenma, Atsumu and Osamu. I shook my head. "They probably already collected all your informations, by just watching you guys walk in here."
Kuroo crossed his arms infront of his chest. "That's not a big deal." He said.
I furrowed. "What do you mean it's none of a big deal?" I felt my head throb as I got angry. "Now everyone is in danger just because of me!" My hands started shaking.
Bokuto got up from his seat and grabbed my wrist. Kuroo looked down without saying anything. With a tight grip around my wrist, I got pulled into the kitchen. Bokuto turned around as the door closed behind my back. He looked angry.
"If you dare to blame yourself for something ever again, I am going to get really mad." His golden eyes were glowing, the thick eyebrows trembling. I didn't answer. It doesn't matter, how many times someone tells me, that I don't have a fault in anything. My mind won't leave me alone. Bokuto tucked my hair behind my ear. It has been a while since I cut my hair. They already covered my forehead. Bokuto's eyes softened as they wandered all over my face. His hand wandered down to my cheek. His thumb brushed over my lips. As he leaned in to kiss my lips he stopped right infront of them.
"I love you Akaashi." He said and laid his lips on mine. I closed my eyes and let all the things that happened in the past few days just disappear. Just like they didn't even happen. My hands snaked around his neck and found themselves on the back of Bokuto's head. I explored every single inch of his back and inhaled every single gram of his sweet scent. The trembling feeling in my knees got stronger, as I thought of the words he said to me. I broke the kiss and looked into his eyes.
"I love you too Bokuto-San." I whispered and leaned my head against his chest.
"You should eat something." Bokuto said. I nodded and felt how my stomach twisted. As Bokuto opened the door to walk back to the living room all I could hear was Atsumu.
"Oh if you lovebirds would excuse us, we are planning the biggest mission ever." Bokuto slammed the door behind his back. The voices dammed.
"Shut up Atsumu." Bokuto shouted back. I opened the fridge. It was empty and I didn't have a big appetite. But I would need to eat something to gain back strength. I grabbed the orange juice and shook it a few times. Without taking a glass I opened the bottle and took a big sip.

POV Bokuto

"We will have to act right away. Waiting any longer will make everything just more difficult." Osamu said and leaned back and looked at everyone. I nodded he was right.
"First we will need to get rid of the people who follow us." Osamu pointed at Kenma. Kenma turned his laptop around, so we could see the display. A green radar screen. As Osamu continued talking a hand embraced mine and I looked to my left. It was Akaashi. He stood next to me and looked at Osamu. I locked my fingers with his and squeezed his hand. "The red dots, are the mobile phones, Kenma could track." I looked at the screen, being able to see 3 red dots all around Akaashi's house. I shook my head. That's fucked up.
"I was able to track 3 phones. There could be more but the chances are low." Kenma said and rested his elbow on the table.
"They have already seen us walking in. Staying here would be too risky. Also they are in position, to cross our roads, if we would try to get away."
Kenma tapped the space bar and another picture appeared. A map with the red dots marked. Kenma placed his finger and followed every street, that we could take and it always ended up meeting with one of the red dots.
"I assume that they also tracked and hacked Akaashi's phone." Kenma said and looked up at Akaashi. Akaashi nodded and pulled his phone out of his pocket. He threw it over to Kenma and he catchend it with his right hand. After a few seconds looking at it he nodded.
"Yes. I locked everyone's phone just yesterday, as Kuroo told me about yours." Everyone nodded. Kenma looked at Osamu, just like he was passing him over the permission to talk. Osamu nodded and opened his mouth.
"Daichi bought a new penthouse out of Tokyo. Not to far away, but far enough to hopefully keep our location a secret from Hai Yang." Osamu took a breath and exhaled slowly.
"So here is the plan. We all know, that Hai Yang is one of the most dangerous and intelligent mafia organizations out there."
Osamu's words got cut off by Iwaizumi. "They piss me off so fucking bad." Osamu nodded.
"Right, but they are not as intelligent as we are." Osamu now rested his elbows on the table.
"A simple plan could be: Hai Yang only has access to Akaashi's mobile phone for now. We could split in two and separate Akaashi's phone and himself so they would be after the wrong group."
Kuroo rose his hand and spoke up.
"But.." Before he could speak any further Osamu finished his sentence. "...they are smart enough to think about this strategy, but not smart enough to know, that we will actually do something really different."
Kuroo's hand went down slowly and he smirked. "Fucking genius."

I plugged the small earbud into my ear. Akaashi fixed the collar of his jacket and looked at me.
"We will probably be assigned to different cars again." I said. Osamu would always do this, I didn't have a clue why, but I knew that he had a good reason for that. Akaashi took my hand and looked deep into my eyes.
"Stay alive Bokuto-San."

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