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❗️TRIGGER WARNING: Drowning, Torture❗️

POV Bokuto

I walked up and down. Thoughts messing with my mind. I woke up from a heavy sleep in an unknown room. The last thing I remembered was the shooting in the bubble tea shop. They knew, that it was impossible for them to get Akaashi. And they knew exactly that Akaashi was going to show up to save me. Otherwise they would've keep me untouched. I could be anyone else. That means they have been knowing the relationship between me and Akaashi for a long time and that I got him in our organization. I smacked both palms against my face. This is Hai Yang Bokuto. Of course they would find out. I put Akaashi and so many other people in danger.
If Daichi is going to hear from this, he will kill me instantly, if they already won't do it here. I ran my fingers through my hair. Fuck. I have to get out of here before Akaashi shows up. With fast steps I walked towards the door and hammered against it with my right fist. A sudden pain reminded me of the bullet wound in my shoulder. I totally forgot, that I was shot. My sleeve was cut off completely and a bandage was applied to my arm. Of course they wouldn't let me bleed out and die.
„Open the door!" I shouted. Now both fists were hammering against the heavy metal door. Immediate anger filled my body and I hammered harder. I inhaled and exhaled through my clenched teeth. "Open the fucking door!"
No response. I leaned my head against the cold metal. My fist were pounding.
"Please open." I whispered. I turned around and let myself slowly sink to the ground.
Akaashi please don't step a foot in here. Please. I promise I will make it out alive. You know that they keep me here so you will show up. You can't hear me, but please stay away from here.

Suddenly a load click sounded from the door. I shot up from the ground and walked towards it.
"Hey!" I shouted and slammed against the door once.
"Back up!" The voice came through the thick metal weakly.
"You're unarmed. Don't even try to attack us. Otherwise you will be shot instantly!" I backed up with both hands in the air.
"Jeez. Okay." I said but they weren't able to hear me.
"Face to the opposite wall!" I turned around. "Fuck okay, just open the door already!" I shouted. The sound of the unlocking made my heart race a bit faster. I closed my eyes. Why aren't they coming nearer? They are probably armed, it was way too impractical to fight back now.
Suddenly an unexpected prickle made me jerk. My hand wandered to my neck and I pulled out the little poisoned dart. Every single muscle in my body relaxed. The wall that I was looking at was moving in waves.
"You-" I tried to speak but my mouth was slowly getting numb, hindering my tongue to move.
"-bastards." Was the last word that came out of my mouth before my whole body fell to the ground.


I opened my eyes rapidly, facing obscurity and tried to get up. Without any success. I was buckled on something, laying down. My arms, chest and legs weren't able to move. With jerky movements I forced to free myself. The thick fabric was covering my whole face tightly. My heartbeat started to speed up.
Where was I? What are they going to do to me? A big hand grabbed the textile and pulled it off my face. The bright light made my eyes squint. As I habituated to the light, I lifted my head to look through the room but someone pushed my head back to table. I looked into the person's eyes. Grey psychopathic eyes and green hair. The person Akaashi was chasing in the shop.
What was his name again? Marvin? He smiled and pressed my head against the hard surface that I was laying on.
"Good morning, Bokuto-San." I breathed through my nose. My fists were balling, nails digging deep into my flesh.
"Oh Bokuto-San. I will come and save you." He said and laughed. The ugliest laugh I ever had to experience.
"Oh Bokuto-San-" His words were cut off by a female voice. "Enough Maven."
Maven licked over his lips and slammed my head once again before letting it go.
The anger was bottling up. I was ready to kill people. I was ready to shoot a bullet right between someones eyebrows. I have never killed someone directly, because I believed that everybody deserves a second chance to live. Maybe they would become a good person after a while. But this time it was different. He made my head glow and I wouldn't have a second thought while taking his life. But I wasn't able to do a single thing. The frustration made me even angrier.
The girl walked up and looked down to me. With her index finger she pushed the thin framed glasses up.
"Who do you work for?" She asked.
My eyes widened. "You don't know that?" I asked in disbelief.
She shook her head slightly. "Surprisingly no, but we will just find out. You just have to talk."
A small relieve made the knot in my chest untighten a bit. My eyes relaxed. „No." I said.
The black haired girl smiled slightly. „Or we will make you talk."
I smiled back. „What are you going to do? Beat the fuck out of me? I can take more than you can imagine."
„Let's just blow his brain out already, Lia!" Maven shouted from somewhere of the room. The blood thirst in his words made my stomach twist. He was a psychopath, I could already tell.
"Beating you up?" Lia laughed and grabbed the piece off fabric. She pulled it over my head and everything was dark again.
"Hey." I stammered while moving my head from left to right.
Suddenly water was drizzling on my face slowly. I pressed my eyes together. The fabric was slowly soaking and I struggled to breathe. The water drizzling slowly made everything even worse. I held my breath but as my heart started to hammer against my chest I inhaled the water, causing me to cough hysterically. I moved my head from left to right. My legs and arms tried to free themselves but it was impossible. As I was gasping for air more water was filling my lungs. It felt like I was drowning. The lack of oxygen made my whole body feel numb and my hands and feet started to get cold. My brain pumped adrenaline through my veins.
The water kept drizzling and I was suffocating. Tears were running down my temples. She pulled the fabric off my face and I gasped for air. Causing me to cough even harder. I catch short breaths. As I opened my eyes my sight was blurry.
Lia looked down to me. My chest was moving up and down. My lungs tried to clasp little parts of oxygen. I coughed once again, trying to force the water out of my lungs.
"Who do you work for?"


Thank you sm for reading!

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