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POV Akaashi

"Iwaizumi, Lev, Osamu and Sugawara are driving!" Daichi shouted and put the bulletproof vest on. I looked to my right.
"Sugawara can drive?" Atsumu asked amazed.
The grey haired capo smiled big. „Of course, before becoming a capo, I was the best driver out of the organization."
Daichi raised his index finger and read out to which car we were assigned to. My knees were trembling. Bokuto and Kuroo were in the same car, Sugawara was driving. They would attract Hai Yang somewhere, so we could surround them and attack. The first year soldiers would be transferred somewhere safe. This time it was serious. I raised my hand. Daichi looked at me and nodded once.
"Can I be assigned to Sugawara's car too?" I asked. My hands balled into fists.
"We will need you as a backup while attacking Keiji. Also the chances by dying in Sugawara's car are higher. Not high but still higher than usual."
Both of my hands slammed on the table.
"That's exactly why! I will take care of them." My voice rose unintentionally. I wasn't trying to be disrespectful, I just needed to protect him.
Daichi's eyebrows drew together. Not because he was mad. He looked worried himself.
"We all have a good friend in danger Keiji." He said and his voice softened. "But sometimes life will surprise us with the things, we like the least."
My gaze lowered. I didn't have the right to mess the whole plan up and put more lives in danger. He was right.
Life sucked so much it already was a pain in the ass. Were we blessed to live or was this all just a filthy lie, that could end any day?
"This mission: Elimate Hai Yang. Else we won't be able to rest a single day."

"Bokuto-San." I said and grabbed his face with both shaking hands. He looked into my eyes.
It felt like it was the last time, that I could touch him. The last time, that I was able to look into his honey eyes.
The bushy eyebrows relaxed as he exhaled. Everyone was getting in position. They all could see us.
I would regret everything that I wouldn't do, just right now. My right hand snaked behind his neck and I pulled his face down to me and laid my lips on his. Bokuto placed his hand on my lower back and pulled me closer.
My eyes closed and I let the whole world disappear one more time.
The feeling of his soft lips against mine, made the day at the rooftop appear in my head. Everything seemed alright back then. I truly believed in being happy and alive. Being with Bokuto for the rest of my life.
Bokuto's hand clasped my shirt tightly and I felt a teardrop wetting my right cheek.
I broke the kiss and looked at him. He was crying. The tears were running down his face. Bokuto leaned his head against my forehead, the drops got soaked in the fabric on my chest.
"I love you so much Akaashi." He whispered. I inhaled his scent one more time. I was trying to speak but my throat got corded up. The knot in my chest tightened.
"I love you Akaashi. You're my world." He said once again. I opened my mouth to say it back, but someone laid his hand on Bokuto's shoulder. Bokuto looked up, it was Sugawara. He wasn't looking at us. "We need to go." He said quietly and let his hand slowly slip off Bokuto's shoulder. Bokuto looked into my eyes one more time and turned around. I watched him walk out of the door. As he disappeared my stomach twisted and I started shaking slightly.
"I love you too, Bokuto-San." I said under my breath, not being able to take my eyes off the door, Bokuto just walked out of.

POV Bokuto

Sugawara tapped his ear bud. "Were you able to track them Kenma?" He asked.
We weren't able to hear him. Sugawara hummed with gaps in between them.
I got teared away from my thoughts, as Kuroo kicked my leg with his foot. Only us three were in the car. "Hey owl." He said and smiled. "Hmm?" I hummed without energy. Kuroo grabbed my shirt and shook me a few times. I opened my eyes. He was looking at me furiously.
"What the fuck is up with that attitude?" He shouted at me. His bed hair covered half of his face.
"We are the warrant soldiers of the group. Nothing is going to happen." Kuroo pushed me back to my seat a little to hard.
My jaw was dropped open, I was just looking at him. "We would always get so excited to go on missions. We would beg Daichi for more each time. The adrenaline we got, when our live was in danger." Kuroo leaned back into his seat and looked straight ahead.
"You would laugh while Saeko was pulling a bullet out of your arm."
Silence filled the car. After a few seconds Kuroo spoke again.
"I know you are not fearing your own life. I know that someone else is on your mind Bokuto. But nothing happened yet. Everything could be fine. Only if you would try."
I still didn't take my eyes off Kuroo. He turned his head to me and smiled.
"We will rock this owly."


Hey! First of all, I hope everyone is doing great today.

I have come to the conclusion to announce, that this story is going to come to an end very very soon. :c
Thank you so much for reading! Take good care of yourselves.

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