hogwarts bully part 30

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I can't stand this lesson. First if all im tired and it's kind of my fault that i stood up late. Second of all History Of Magic isn't my thing. And third of all it's in the first freaking period

I just wanna go back to sleep pleasssseeeee

My eyes are starting to blink very slow. I raised my eyebrows up to wake my eyes up.

Holy shit i feel dead

"Ms. Lincon." Professor Binns said

My heart go a heart attack for a sec but i tried to play it cool

"Can you please tell us from yesterday's lesson, when was the Medieval Assembly of European Wizards?" He asked

Uhm no?

All eyes were looking at me. I tried to think faster and faster cause i for real knew I've learned this shit yesterday

"In 1992, Professor" i answered.

He looked at me long enough to make my heart burst outta my body

"Correct" he replied

HA. All these idiots here deadass thought ima fail that question

Mhm. Periodt

"Malfoy, can you tell us when the International Warlock Convention of 1289 was?"

Pff bet he'll fail that

I turned my head back to look at his nervous face.

"Also 1992, sir" he answered


My grin lowered itself.

He looked at me back and grinned

I turned away. You wanna play it that way? Ok. Let's play it your way

"Class dismissed"

I packed my book and quill away from the table and head to my locker

As i was about to open it, Hermione came

"Well that's new" she said

I looked at her and looked around

"What is new?" I asked

"You've learned" she grinned

I rolled my eyes. "If im silent in class, doesn't mean i never learn" i grinned

"Yeah yeah, I'll  meet you in Transfiguration class"  she giggled

I opened my locker and grabbed the things i needed for the next subject.

Then i heard a laughter from a familiar voice.

Malfoy's voice

He passed by while laughing with his friends.

I pretend to look for something in my locker to avoid him

"You guys can go, I'll catch up!" He said

Ugh no no no dont come here

"Why hello" he said and leaned himself on the next locker to catch my eyes

Did he just forgot about yesterday night? Or is he just in a good mood? The fuck

I slammed my locker door close and turned my head to him

"Why bye" i smiled sarcastically and head to the next subject

"Hold up hold up Lincon" he said and grabbed my wrist

I looked at him and saw his grin

Why is he grinning now? I know he always grin but why now? Did he erased his memory from yesterday or sumn?

hogwarts bully- draco malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now