hogwarts bully part 18

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"Miss me?"

I was shocked that our faces were close.. again. I gasped silently and start breathing through my nose again. We were thank god not that close like last time. But i can feel his breath on my cheeks

The longer i looked at him the wider his grin gets. He was wearing his suit already. Well he is prepared. He doesn't look that bad in it to be honest.

Oh my god i have an idea. Muahhaha

I looked at his chest and layed both my hands on it. As i looked up at his face again, his eyes were staring at my hands. With a blink, his eyes met mine. I can feel his heartbeat on my hands

"Yeah.." i said "i missed you"

For real though guys. I missed him so much. He has played the biggest role in my life. He always make me have this.. feeling.

"Oh really now?" He asked and smirked wider

"No" i said sharply and pushed his chest away from me to get him outta the way.

Lmao you guys for real thought i missed him.

He wasn't even shocked that i pushed him. He just slides his hands in his pockets and rolled his eyes halfway while smirking with a 'i knew it' face.

"What was that?" I asked angrily.

Really though, why does he always wanna make my day worse?! He makes me think of him cause of his actions for the whole day! I can't focus on my studies cause of him!
He could just bully those other students like always or flirt with those ravenclaws! Or,.. i dunno!

"What was what?" He asked

"You always- you know what, nevermind" i said and left the astronomy tower.

I swear this boy get on my nerves

As i went down the stairs i saw Pansy. She has a little smile on her face..oh gosh im scared. I then bumped into her. On purpose :).

"Oops" i said and before i went all the way down the stairs, she grabbed my wrist

"Why were you up there in the astronomy tower?!" She asked curiously

"Why do you care?" I asked confusingly

"Cause Malfoy told me to meet him up there. Not some sheep like you" she said. I crunched my eyebrows and said "first of all im not a sheep and second yeah, i was up there with Malfoy".

She looked at me angrily and i pulled my wrist away from her and got downstairs.

Oh gosh, it was nice to piss her off again after a while. WOOH. Oh wait-
Crap. Did i only said that i was up there with Malfoy? Just like that? Oh no no no. She'll think i had a thing with Malfoy. Oh frick frick! I dont wanna go up there again. Oh whatever. I'll let it be for now

I'm on my way to go to my room and i passed by Hermione and Ginny.

"Oh hey guys i was just on my- woah" Ginny pulled me for some reason and went in our dorms.

They pushed me and i fell on my bed.

I sat down and stared at them standing in front of me.

"Jess." They said and crossed they're arms. Oh no. What is happening?..

"Guys." I replied shortly.

"This is serious and you have to do it whether you like it or not" Hermione explained.

"O...k..." i said slowly. They should really stop scaring me. Like generally

"The Yule Ball is starting in 2 hours and you have to get ready now!" Ginny said fastly

I rolled my eyes in relief. "I thought it was serious! You guys scared the hell me!"

"But it is serious!!" Hermione said "now go go go! Get ready!"

I went in the bathroom and did all my stuffs in there. I showered, then wore my dress. I was regretting the fact that i didn't buy the black lace dress. It was so beautiful. But this red toned dress is also beautiful.

And for my hairstyle.... i dont really know. I was thinking of a messy braided low bun. Hermione is a master with all these stuffs so i always asked her for help.

And the result is out....

Woah.. we all stand infront of the mirror and just stared at ourselves.

Omg we look awesome!

Ok Jess. You got this. It's just for a couple of hours.

Yule Ball here i come.. yay...

Hellooooo!❤😂 are you guys ready for Yule Ball? I don't even know if i am😅 but like, imagine yourself in Yule Ball!!!! Let's see how this Yule Ball will start or end like.. will Pansy do something because of our conversation before? Or will Draco keep playing with you to make her jealous? Or maybe.. will he do something much... let's say.. more

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