hogwarts bully part 8

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malfoy looked at me with his mouth half opened after i asked him this question. do i have something on my face? or... is he being an idiot again?

"what do you mean?" he asked. i froze. yep he's being an idiot again. he did not just ask that. whAt dO yOu meAn. he definitely knows what i mean.

"before. on the way here. you almost fell on me and you later said sorry" i explained. he took a deep breath and look out the window. No- don't you dare ignore this question again! Bloody Malfoy. Yep, im still waiting. Again. But no answer came out. He gets on my nerves even if he doesn't say a thing.

I breathe out quietly and lean back on my seat. I look out the window just so that i won't glare at his face any longer. I crossed my arms and tried to relax. Why did he say sorry before? And not at the times, where he did dumb things to me and my friends? W.H.Y. I swear if he ain't talkin, im gonna deadass stupefy him.

"I just thought..." he begins. A little heart attack strokes my chest. I turned my head to Draco, who is still looking out the window. "That you were not very comfortable with my actions" he added. His blonde head turns to me and his blue eyes were looking right at mine.

There was a silence for 5 seconds.

"But why did you say sorry for that? And not for those other times?" I asked. His glance falls to the floor. "You know" he started and blinked to my direction again "those times were on purpose" he glanced at me for a second and looked out the window.

I crunched my eyebrows and look out the window cause i got nothing else better to do in this carriage

"Besides, i don't have to apologize everytime" he added again.

I wrinkled my eyes as i heard that sentence.

I realized that the carriage is getting slower and slower "We've arrived at Hogwarts!"I said kinda quiet. "Oh really? I thought we're in Azkaban." Malfoy replied sarcastically. I rolled my eyes.

Before i wanted to open the door, it just quickly opened itself. Me and Malfoy twitched lightly. 1 head popped out behind the door.

"Harry!" I screamed. I got out and hugged him. "How was it with Ginny?" I asked and singed the name 'Ginny'. His smile turns cold as Malfoy came out. "Ye Pottah, why don't you tell us about your girlfriend?" Malfoy asked snooty. "Ignore him" i said and blocked his face with my hand. Draco scoffed and went away. "Finally. Anyways! I'll tell you everything at dinner, Come!" He grabbed my wrist "wait we have dinner alrea-"  Harry pulled my wrist and ran through the two gigantic doors.

I took my seat next to Hermione, who is talking to Ron. Ooooohoooo. Harry sat next to Ron, who is smiling noticeably to Hermione. "Oo it's spicy" i singed. "You haven't even tried the food yet, jess" Hermione pointed at my plate. "Who said im talking about the food?" I layed my elbow on the table and layed my head on my hand. Hermione pulled one eyebrow lightly up and i turned my eyes to Ron and quickly back to Hermione. She pulled both of her eyebrows up and giggled. I can't help but giggle too. "Girls?" Ron asked. I giggled even more and Hermione pushed me lightly on my shoulders. That made her giggled even more.

"So tell us Harry, about Ginny" i said with an arrogant voice. Harry blushed and started.

"Awww, that's so cute!!!!you belong to Ginny!" I cheered. "PSHHSSHSSHT" Harry whispered... louldy. "She's 5 persons beside you!". "I think your PHSHSHT was even louder" i said and tried not to giggle. Harry turned to Ginny and smiled. This moment was so angelic aww!.

"And how bout you, Jess? Something new happend with Malfoy?" Ron asked with a full mouth. I wanted to tell them about what happend in the carriage ride to the Studio. But they would be as confused as me so i let it be.  "No, still a Malfoy. Idiotic, barmy, always miffed, gobby and of course-"

"Charming?"  The familiar voice came from behind. I closed my eyes and breathed out. I turned around and crunched my fist "no, actually the opposite" i said with a big smile of course.

Before Draco could even say a word, the slytherin queen came to help his king. "Leave Dracy alone, you slag!" We all probably know who it would be. The only person who would say 'drAcY' Pansy parkinson.

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