hogwarts bully part 26

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"I don't even know if that was a plan" he said

I crunched my eyebrows

The hell does he mean by that

Before he could walk away i said

"Get your ass back here"

He stopped and i can feel his eye roll

"What" he asked.

"What do you mean it wasn't a plan?!" I asked curiously

He didn't answer for a second and wondered with his eyes somewhere else

As soon as he catched my eyes again, he answers "i dont know"

My mouth was opened but i couldn't bring a single word out. And so does he

As soon as he walked away, i went in my room

As i layed on my bed, hundreds of thoughts were attacking me with question, which i don't know the answers from

Why was he here on the first place?

Why did he make this kiss plan?

Does he really don't know?

Will Pansy make a revenge?

Did he even think this plan through?

Or was it even a plan?

And oh god

Why did i kiss back though?!

With the last thought my stomache wanted ro throw up. I stood away from my bed and decided to head out to get some fresh air.

As i opened the door i got shocked by Hermione and Ginny.

"Woah- oh hey guys!" I said

"Hey jess! We were about to go in. Where are you heading too?" Ginny asked

"Im gonna get some fresh air. I felt like throwing up before" i said and went down the halls

As i turned right to make a shortcut, Malfoy was there with Crabbe and Goyle.

Wtf are they doing at this time?

I turned around and went the freaking long way.

As i finally reached an open balcony on the hallway, i leaned my self on it and could finally think all my thoughts through.

Till i heard a footstep. Ugh Malfoy

"Go away asshole" i said and turned around

My eyes popped out as i saw that it wasn't malfoy.

It was Blaise

"Ouch" he said sarcastically and layed his hand on his chest

"I am so sorry! I thought you were Malfoy!" I explained

"Malfoy?" He asked and leaned himself on the balcony with me.

"What makes him an asshole?" He giggled

I turned around to the balcony and leaned myself next to him

"Well. Let's just say he ruined my life" i said

"But he is a malfoy. He is a bully. You can just ignore him" Blaise explained

"He is not like any other bully." I explained

There was a short silence

"Well what did he do that makes you think that way about him?" He asked

Easy for him to say since he is Malfoy's friends. Or should i say Minion?

I kept silent

"Jess, he helped you as you fainted and-"

"He kissed me" i said quietly

"What was that?" He asked

"Hm? What?" I said nervously

"Oh uhm nevermind i thought you said.. something" he said

Then there was an awkward silence again.

"Well i should go to sleep now" he said and leaned away from the balcony

"Oh ok, goodnight" i said and waved goodbye and so did he

As he was gone, i can finally relax by myself.

Now that i think of it,

Why did Malfoy helped me as i fainted?

I mean, come on! It's not because he owe me after the cake scene. He's a Malfoy!

The kid is really mysterious. Geez

"You two had a good time?" A voice said from behind

Im positive it's Malfoy.

I rolled my eyes and ignored him.

He leaned himself next to me on the balcony

"What did you two talked about?" He asked and i felt a grin

I still ignored him

"Fine. Lets do it this way then" he said

The fuck does he want now

He layed one of his hand infront of me on the balcony fence.

The fuck?

I turned my head at him

Oh shit

We were close again. Too close that i felt his breath on my lips

"Oh hello there" he grinned


hogwarts bully- draco malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now