hogwarts bully part 48

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"Why can't you just tell me how you feel cause how you act is literally confusing me right now" i sighed

"what do you mean by whAt I fEeL?" he asked dumbly

i rolled my eyes

"aight, you know what? i don't care anymore what you'll do to me, what rumours you'll spread, what feeling you'll leave me with, how hurtfull you'll make me, or how fucking clueless you'll make me" i explained and pulled a finger out in every sentence

"all i care about is my friends right now" i added

but like fr though.

if he wants problems

bitch i'll give him problems

"you don't mean that right?" he said and crossed his arms

i leaned myself on the wall while still looking at him

"of co-"

"i hurt you?" he interrupted and crunched his eyebrows. His expression is a mixed of worriness and shocked with a tiny bit of anger

bruh why does he even care tho

i crunched my eyebrows as he went closer to me

"so you're thinking that way of me?" he asked and left his mouth a little bit opened then he laughed dryly

"how else should i think of you?" i asked irritated

like bitch-

then i lost eye contact with him. He was looking to the left while staring the ground with a small grin. But that grin somehow doesn't represent his Malfoy-Grin. It was a grin that shows his fucked up feelings

it was silent

"why am i still here" i scoffed and was about to go in the girls bathroom, WHICH I wAS ABOUT TO DO FOR THE PAST YEARS, till he grabbed my wrist

fookin AsshOle

should have seen that commin

i turned to him regretly slowly and looked at him with a 'shits better be quick' look

"you're allowed to like things without knowing every single fact about it. You're allowed to like a movie without knowing every actor's name, a book without memorizing every page, a video game without knowing all the easter eggs" Malfoy explained

bruh so?

i ain't here to listen to his goddamn speech bitch, mOve

"if you're gonna waste my time then it's not too late to leave, Malfoy" i said and crossed my arms

"Liking things isn't stressfull. But liking a person.." he said and sighed "liking a person would drive you crazy" he added and looked at me deeply in the eyes

i've never seen this side from him..

what a waste of my time

"you're doing this on purpose aren't you?" i asked curiously

"what?" he asked but looked like he knew the answer already

"you do or tell all this shit to me to confuse me" i said and raised my eyebrows "you leave me confused every single time so that i would think about you" i added

"i think it would take you awhile till you understand what's really happening" Malfoy said and left

oh my god...


He fucking have the last sentence UGH

i wanna have the last sentence!

hogwarts bully- draco malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now