hogwarts bully part 46

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we are close once again. i felt my heart racing as i saw his eyes staring back at me.

"you're unbelievable" he said calmly

i was trying not to look into his eyes but i did and i felt guilty for that somehow. I couldn't look away for some reason and it didn't bothered me in which position we're in right now.

like i said before, he was sitting on the chair while holding my arm. i grabbed his shoulders with both my hands so that i wouldn't fall on him.

bitch we were so close

i didn't even know if he was grinning or not cause i was just focusing on his eyes. My head started to hurt a little cause i must look down to look at him.

bruh since when is looking at him more important than my head-

He then placed his shitty, cold-ass, mf-ing hand on my left leg and i suddenly twitched and realized in which situation i was

i directly let go off his shoulders to distance ourselves.

"you did not" i said shocked

he placed both his hands behind his head and leaned back on the chair while smirking

"ight, i'm done cleaning your shit up" i said stressl and threw my pink rag on his shirt

"but you caused the stain!" he said as i was about to go

"shUt Up" i replied

that boy loves taking risks. damn that's annoying

"Ey, you're gonna walk out looking like that?" Malfoy asked from behind before i walked out the door

the fuck does he mean- oh...


that Theo bitch threw his dirty ass rag on me

i turned around and walked towards Malfoy to take my rag. He raised it up high so that i could't take it.


"fine then i'll take theo's rag" i rolled my eyes

as i was about to take it Malfoy said "no- wait- fine, here". He gave me my rag back and and i looked at him confusingly. The fuck is wrong with him.

he was being all nAstY and now he actin' all kind

mans broken

"thanks.." i replied and crunched my eyebrows. "what are you even doing here?" i then asked

"i told Crabbe and Goyle to meet me here, yet they never came" he answered and shrugged his shoulders "and why are you here with Theo?" he asked

"we have to clean the room.. without our wands" i said pathetically

"yoyoyoyo, Malfoy!" a person said in the room entrance

i turned my head and saw Crabbe and Goyle standing there with a grin

"all the chick to yourself huh?" Crabbe said and walked towards us "well hello-" Crabbe tried to finish his sentence but Malfoy grabbed them both on their shoulders and said "ight, now we're not gonna waste our time so let's go"

"ye ok but tell me if there'll be a chick next time, got that?" Goyle asked as they went down the hallway

i exhaled harshly and i definitley knew that my cheaks were red

after i finish cleaning my stain, i went out to look for my friends. I then stopped as i heard the 2 of our dancers were talking. i hide behind the wall and listened cause i know that there's something fishy going on with them

"the kids are so lame and very naive"

"i agree, i just sent two kids to clean up the mess i made in the equipment room"

"wait really?! and they just did that without any question?"

"yes! and you know what's better?!"


"i told them not to use their wands so it's much more harder for them cause why not"

"ohoho you are so good! what are their names?"

"i think it was a Lincon and a Nott"

"wait, Jess Lincon?"

"yeah, what about her?"

"i sent her to bring our heavy bags in our locker room cause im so sick and tired of doing that"

"oh shit Merelds, you are so EviL. i like it"

"i know i know"

my jaw dropped more lower in every sentence. What the- like, i know we're bad at dancing but ya'll ain't gotta do us like thAt

that's probably what Professor Karkaroff meant with 'don't bully'

god, i was so stupid and naive. uuuuUUUUuuUuUuUuUugggggGGGghHhhhH

i then stood away from my hiding position and went pass them as naturally as possible

"oh hey you and you!" i said naturally

i'm not good at remembering names but i don't think i would have to remember their names an longer

"oh hey you again! are you done cleaning the room?" the guy asked

"yeah, i am. And are you guys also done?" i asked and smiled

they both looked at each other and asked "uhm- done with what?"

"with talking behind our backs" i replied and my smile disappeared

they're mouth were opened yet no words came out

"mhm" i murmured and head away to tell my friends about it

but don't worry.

i'll tell that to Dumbledore soon too

but best for last ykyk

i searched everywhere for them but i couldn't find them anywhere, so i head outside cause they're not anywhere to be found inside

as i head outside, i saw my friends playing together.

i smiled

seeing them here outside while the sun is shining is a memory i'll never forget

i ran to them and as they looked at me they ran towards me too

"JESS" they screamed and hugged me

"look what i've got" Hermione said and gave me a yellow paper

"what's this?" i asked while we're all walking towards the gate to go inside

"i wrote a poem to Hermione" Ron said with a rosey cheek

"aww" i said and as i began to read, a hand was on my forehead

the fuck?

i looked up and saw a tree infront of me and i turned my head to see whose hand that was and saw Malfoy

did he just saved me?

lmao whaat

"Malfoy?!- uh thanks i guess" i replied

"i wasn't planning to save you, i was saving the tree" he said and slapped my forehead lightly then left


this bitch-

hogwarts bully- draco malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now