hogwarts bully part 44

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"you like her dont you?" i heard Pansy's voice saying

but i didn't heard a reply from Malfoy.

then i saw Malfoy infront of me and as he wanted to help me out, which was very weird and i was scared as fuck, Pansy grabbed his arm

"answer my question" she said to him

He looked at Pansy as i layed both my arms on my stomache to make it stop hurting

i didn't hear any reply from him. He pulled his arm away from her harshly which left a scar on her cheak

"ouch!" Pansy yelled

bruh it was only a scratch but ok-

holy shit

Malfoy scratched Parkinson-

"dude what the hell is wrong with you?" Crabbe said as he saw Pansy's scratch

Malfoy didn't reply. He wanted to go towards me but stopped as he heard Crabbe's voice

Malfoy looked at Pansy then looked back at me

what the hell is he doing

"don't just stand there, bring Parkinson to the nursery" Goyle commanded and Malfoy looked at him

"Jess!" Hermione said and came running towards me. "let's bring you to the nursery" she then said as she helped me up.

"no, no i'm fine. really" i answered and looked at Malfoy

i don't know what he was doing. He was just standing there while looking at me

he then turned to Pansy and said "sorry. my fault that i scratched you"

Pansy then smiled and placed a hand on her cheak "oh heehee, no problem Malfoy"

"i'll bring her to the nursery" malfoy said to Crabbe and Goyle and took Pansy to the madame Pomfrey

after they both left,  me, Hermione and Ginny sat ourselves on the benches

and i was thinking about Malfoy the whole time.

he didn't answer Pansy's questions at all

as Blaise accidently hit my stomache with his elbow harshly, Malfoy was suddenly right infront of me.

did he want to help me?!

"Jess?" Ginny asked

i shook my head and erase my thoughts away

"yeah?" i asked with a nervous smile

"we were asking you something" she replied

"oh- sorry i was lost in my thoughts" i said nervously "what were you guys asking?"

"do you want to go to the nursery?" she asked

"nope nuh uh." i answered and shook my head "first of all, i don't wanna meet Pansy there and second, it's just a light bruise so no worries!" i added with a smile

"fine. but if it gets worse then tell us!" Hermione said seriously

"yes ma'am" i smiled and so did she

after the break, we began to dance again. We stood in lines again facing our partners.

"Ok, now what i want you all to do is to pick your female partners up by their waist for less than 5 seconds" Xan shouted through the whole hall for everyone to hear

Wait what-

Bitch what-

Sweety what-

Theo came closer to me and placed his hands on my waist. I layed a my hands on his so that he won't pick me up

hogwarts bully- draco malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now