hogwarts bully part 32

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YES finally lunch time!!!!! as i walked in the dining hall, a hand literally yeeted me down on my seat.

it was Hermione. dang. should have saw that commin

"Yes, madame?" I said annoyed

"The hell happend?" She asked and so did Harry, Ron and Ginny

Ok that's cute

"Well Professor Mcgonaggal heard about a fight between Malfoy and Zabini which i was involved in" i answered

Their jaws fell

"You were involved in a fight??"  Ron asked

"Well i tried to stop it" i shrugged

"Why would YOU try to stop a slytherin's fight?" Harry asked

Bitch cause i can

"Cause i know that someone will get hurt. I mean, Malfoy is involved" i replied

"Why would Malfoy start a fight with Blaise?" Ginny asked

"i mean, just today they were hanging out like brothers and a few seconds later poof. They came barking at eachother" she added

Now that i think of it, why did Malfoy start a fight with Blaise?
And what she said was true. Malfoy and Zabini were always hanging out. Even before as i was about to talk to Malfoy. Till Pansy came UGH

And i could still remember Draco's words which he said to Blaise during the fight

: you made her cry, didn't you?

Maybe that's why he pushed Blaise. He saw me cry and he thought it was because of Blaise? That doesn't sound right though.

Malfoy wouldn't push a person because they made someone cry.

Doesn't sound like a Malfoy at all.

The kid gotta go to a therapist like damn.

Shit goin up in his head right now.

"Jess?" Hermione called and i disappeared from my thoughts

I heightened my head and turned to Hermione "hm?" I asked

"Did you know anything about the fight?" She asked

I shrugged my shoulders "Malfoy being a normal Malfoy" and smiled nervously

They went silent.

"Welp, let's feast before the food gets cold" Ron said and forked some food on his plate

A second before i wanted to fork some food on my plate, i saw from a corner of my eye how Harry was looking very suspicious at me.

Potter's sus lmao

"Harry i know I'm gorgeous but you ain't gotta stare at me like that" i said while trying to fork a potato

As i looked up he scratched his head and said "oh uh sorry, i wasn't-"

"I know" i said and smiled. He smiled back

I waited till my friends are ready with eating.

Then my mind started thinking of Malfoy again.

I smacked my hand on my forehead

"Uhm the fuck" Ron said with a full mouth

"Oops i thought there was a fly" i said

"You ain't gotta smack it like that though" He said with big eyes

"Don't worry he escaped" i said and giggled and so did he

hogwarts bully- draco malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now