hogwarts bully part 51

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"The fuck happend" Malfoy asked and crunched his eyebrows as he saw Theo

"The girl chopped his dick off" a slytherin said while still laughing

I rolled my eyes annoyed and rushed away to the Gryffindor's common room

I can't fucking believe that Theo did that shit

That was literally outta nowhere

Like bitch

Istg imma cha cha real smooth off a fucking cliff real quick

as i reached the common room, i saw my friends sitting on the couch together while playing wizard chest

Hermione stood up and rushed to me to hug me and i hugged her back. After she lets go of me, she realized that something ain't right

"What's wrong?" She asked

"Yeah you're really pale, what's up?" Ron asked and leaned back on the couch

Hermione pulled me along with her to the couch so that i would tell them everything

"What did Theo do?" Harry said as his back away from the couch

I looked at him and closed my eyes harshly

"I wish i could unsee this" i replied

"Jess you're making us more curious!" Ginny claimed worrily

I looked at Harry "yep it has got something to do with Theo" i answered

Harry made a face that said 'I'm listening'

"He kissed me" i answered and got shivers as i said the word 'kissed'


"WHAT?!" Ron shouted unbelievably

"Why?! He's in love with you or something?!" Ginny asked frustrated and leaned closer to me

"No, definitely not inlove with me. He got a dare from his friends and GAH THAT WAS SO WEIRD" i said and clunched my fist

"I did NOTT see that comming" Ron joked "see what i did there? NOT-T" he repeated and pronounced the double Ts sharply

"Bad joke Ron" Hermione replied coldly

Actually, to be honest, that's a kIndA funny joke-

"Said the girl who doesn't know hUmOur" Ron replied and crossed his arms

"Wha- don't even- ugh. I know humour but literally everything that comes out of your mouth is stupid!" Hermione replied and rolled her eyes sarcastically

"Hermione" Ron then said and we all burst out laughing even Hermione herself


You get it?

Like, Mione said everything that come outta Ron's mouth is stupid and he said her name


But he gotta be careful. Hermione will chase him off a cliff-

"Anyways, let's not move out of the topic" Harry then said out of a sudden

Great at that moment i was not thinking about Theo till he brought that up

We all started to stop laughing and i started to get nervous again

"Why did his friends pick you though?" Harry asked curiously

I zonno

"I mean, I'm his dance partner? Maybe that's why" i replied and shrugged my shoulders

hogwarts bully- draco malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now