hogwarts bully part 16

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"You both knew what you did" professor Umbridge said calmly but yet dangerously.

Me and Malfoy said nothing. We just sit there, infront of her office table, in detention, and knew what'll happend next. We both looked down at the floor silently.

"Care to explain?" Professor umbridge's voice gone a step deeper. We both started to tell the situation at the same time

"She took her wand out and-"
"Well it's technically your fault! Cause-"
"How is it my fault?! Professor ,she-"
"He started it first i-"

"ENOUGH" professor umbridge shouted and stood up

We frozed

"You both knew VERY WELL that we MAY NOT use magic in a NON. MAGIC. CLASS" professor umbridge made a silent break before continuing

"But you both may go. You both didn't cause a spell." She sat down slowly. We still froze.

"Well what are you waiting for?" She asked and we stood up quickly and went out before she went wild.

I leaned myself directly on the wall after i came out and took a deep breath. That was close. Wooh..

Malfoy, who was standing some steps away from while looking in the opposite direction, also took a deep breath.

I gave him a death stare from behind. It's his fault that we are here! He hadn't use me to make Pansy jealous, we wouldn't end up in this close call situation

"What was that?!" I asked. Malfoy turned himself slowly towards me. He sticks his hands in his pocket and crunched his teeths together

"What was what?" Malfoy asked and came slowly closer.

"In dance class! What were you thinking? Using me to make Pansy jealous?" I said kind of loud.

He giggled sliently and looked down while slowly comming towards me. He stopped and i looked up at him confusingly but yet angrily.

With one blink, his blue eyes met mine. "Lincon im not using you, i just needed you that time without permission" he grinsed and i rolled my eyes.

He came closer which makes my heart beats faster. I glued myself harder onto the wall as he came closer.

He stopped some centimeter away from me and looked at me directly at my soul. He grinned and layed his hand beside me on the wall. I looked at his hand and turned to his face again.

I looked at his eyes, which was looking at my face from my lips and stopped at my eyes.

My heary beats faster. I crunched my treeth and kept silent although i have lots of questions to ask.

Why is he so close? What is he doing? Is he playing with me? Again? Or is he just being Malfoy?

"You liked it. Don't you?" He smirked.

I opened my mouth but couldn't get a word out. My cheeks turned red and my heart is racing. He should really stop doing that.

He knows very well what he is doing. And who he is doing it to.

"Malfoy" i said and came closer to him.

"Hm?" He smirked

I layed my hand on his neck and said

"No" i smirked.

He silently giggled and i slipped myself under his arm, which was sticked on the wall, and got away from that situation

This dude thought. HAHA

I turned to him and he was leaning himself on the wall on his shoulder and crossed his arms while smirking.

hogwarts bully- draco malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now