hogwarts bully part 41

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"so" i said irritated and hoped for an explanation

"what?" he asked and shrugged "you got nothing to see here" he added and turned away

"then why did you command Pansy to leave?" i asked curiously before he walked way

"unless, you got something to explain. dont ya?" i added and raised my eyebrows

he turned to me and  the first thing i realized was his expression. not how he was looking like, but how i felt it. his face was serious, there was not even a grin. But inside this 'serious' face, were lots of expressions which im familiar with. He is just as confused and lost as i am which surprises me.

"i've got nothing to tell you, Lincon now go to bed." he scoffed and turned away again

"so why were you two talking about me?" i asked

as he turned to me he crunched his teeth strongly together that i could see his sharp jawline

oo dang that jawline again


shit focus

"i just told her to stop bothering you" he answered dryly

"why? i mean, like you always said, you're a Malfoy" i replied confused

"is it a crime to not be a Malfoy for a second?" he asked although he knew the answer

"no, but why-"

"i don't know, Lincon!" he said and brushed frustrated through his hair "i don't know why i said that to Pansy"

i leaned myself on the wall facing him

"all i need from you is answers" i said as i looked at the ground "why is it so hard?" i asked as i  looked at him

"why do you even care?"  he asked in a quiet tone

"that's the only question im asking myself the whole time" i sighed

and do i know the answer for that?


"you were shit to me" he said as he leaned away from the wall "the fact i never thought it would be like this, is just ridiculous"

to be honest, me neither. he was in my list of 'Avoiding', and look how fast he goes from being an asshole to a main-character-in-my-life-asshole.

i hate him with all of my heart.

"you're an asshole, Draco Malfoy" i said out of a sudden

he looked at me and smirked

"you know i love it when you call me that" he replied

bruh the fact that we just had a dramatic scene and now he pulled up his devilish grin-

nope. nope. nope.

Bitch im going. This boy here, is wasting my goddamn time again. like always

"ight im going to bed" i said annoyed "this mf wasting my shit"

as i was about to go he said

"yo, hold up"

i turned around and asked annoyed "whaT?"

suddenly that grin was there again "dream about me"

"oh my god" i sighed disappointedly and rolled my eyes

as soon as i reached my dorm, i saw Hermione and Ginny sitting on their beds while reading

i guess im the dumb one in the family

hogwarts bully- draco malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now