hogwarts bully part 17

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"Where are you going? We must go back to our lesson again" Draco shouted behind me from a distance.

"It wont make any sense if it's lunch time in 5 minutes" i shouted back while looking at the direction im going at. And i could hear Draco's scoff.

I waited infront of the dining hall for Hermione  Ron, Ginny and Harry. The bell rang and i can see from here how lots of students divided in different places.

Then i saw ron running up to me with his arms stretched out as if he wanted to hug me. I stretched my arm out too but he walked pass me. Of course. He was hungry.

Hermionr hugged me and asked me lots of questions

"Are you ok?!"
"Did she- you know, use the quill?"
"Show me your hand!"
"No- wait- i dont want to see it"
"Did Malfoy did anything to you?!"
"Lets just eat!"

She grabbed my wrist and pulled me to our seat. "Im fine, Hermione really!" I laughed.

"Why does Malfoy has to be in anything we do?!" Harry said and gave him a death stare. Ginny gently stroked Harry's back to make him stop with his death stare.

We all took the delicious foods from the table and dumped it on our plates. While everyone was eating, i was still on my mind. I was thinking about Malfoy. Not in a EW way!

Why did he do that to me?. He could've done it to someone else. Right, im his dance partner. Still upset cause of that. But why did he even wants to make Pansy jealous? They're not.. together right?

I looked back to see Draco. And Pansy was on the way to seat beside him.

Maybe they are together. But who cares! Why am i thinking of Draco and Pansy?! What the-

Hermione shoved my shoulder with her arm lightly. I turned to her

"Aren't you enjoying it?" She asked

I looked at her confusingly. Enjoying what?! Pansy and Draco sitting together?

"Wha- no! Not at all!!" I replied

"I know right it's too sweet" she said

Draco and Pansy? Sweet? Nuh uh!

"Sweet? No! Pansy and Draco aren't sweet together!" I answered and said Draco and Pansy kind of low. Hermione stared at me confusingly.

"Jess, i meant the cake" she giggled. "Oh yeah, that too" i giggled nervously. "Since when do you care about their love story?" Hermione said sarcastically and laughed. "Yeah oh gosh haha" i giggled

Ok but seriously though, since when?! Maybe cause of the incident with Malfoy in dance class. He was getting.. too much i guess. Oh god i should stop thinking about that.

After lunch we could prepare ourselves for the ball tonight. At least we wont have any lessons.

Me, Hermione and Ginny went to our dorm and prepare ourselves.

I sighed and dropped myself on my bed. "Jess, you must get ready!" Hermione said. "We got like 8 hours! And besides, I'm not like those girls who took 5 hours to zip up their dress" i rolled my eyes

"What happened with Malfoy by the way?" Ginny asked. "With Malfoy? What do you mean?" I asked nervously although i knew exactly what she meant. Why did i ask that?! Gah!

"Why were you both sent to professor Umbridge?" Ginny asked again.

"Well Malfoy was being a Malfoy and well... i didn't like that" i shrugged.

"I hope he won't disturb us any longer.." she sighed and go to the bathroom to prepare herself.

"Guys im gonna go to the astronomy tower. It won't take long" i said and jumped out of my bed. "Ok, just get ready on time" Hermione said. "Of course" i replied.

On the way to the tower, i saw Pansy. Well crap.

Ok jess, be cool, relax. If i dont do a thing she wont either. I mean, im not scared of her. I just dont wanna start a scene with her again.

As i wanted to pass her, she stopped infront of me as if i should stopped too. But i just took a step to the right and walk straight ahead.

What kind of move was that, Parkinson? LAME

i grinned and fell.

Yep. I fell.

I looked back and yep. It was Pansy.

"That's what you get for flirting with my Dracy" she said and crossed her arms. I stood up while saying "i did not fLiRt with your drAcY, Parkinson" i brushed the dirt off my robe and stared at her eyes again and smirked "he started it"

Pansy crunched her eyes and gave me a death stare. "Touch him one more time, and you dead"

She turned her back at me and walked away.

What the heck?! 'ToUcH HiM OnE mOrE TiMe, AnD yOu'Re dEaD'

She really thinks she's tough. Sucks to be her.

Anyways, i made my way to the Astronomy Tower. I dont even know why i want to go here.

As i made it there i got up to the fence and looked at the view. The view got me every time.

I was thinking about the Yule Ball, stupid Malfoy, stupid Pansy, and stupid... everything i guess! I can't even get a partner. How pathetic is that?

Suddenly, 2 hands were hding the right side and the left side of the fence. Shortly said, i was between 2 hands. Wait- im between- WHAT THE-

I turned around and Draco was behind me. His face was so close to mine. What is his plan now?

"Miss me?"

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