hogwarts bully part 31

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Karma's a bitch ;)

"Jess!" A voice said from behind

I turned around and saw Blaise running towards me

"Yeah?" I replied

"What was wrong?" He asked

He's a curious kid. Damn. That's annoying

Out of all other questions. Why this one? Bruh don't ask me. As Malfoy himself. Or Pansy! She was the one kissing him in the first place. And he kept telling lies that he's not together with her. Dude ask me a question which i know the answer of. Geez

My face was turning red and a tear drop was falling on my right cheek

I looked down to hide it

"It's complicated" i said and giggled

"Hey, hey" he said and lifted my chin up

"Don't cry. It's all gonna work itself out" he said and smiled

So did i

All of a sudden, Blaise got pushed by someone from behind

"Woah-" i said outta shock and saw the person who pushed him


"What the hell was that for?!" I yelled

 Blaise stretched his foot out to not fall. As soon as he stood up he pushed Malfoy too

I stood between them before anything worse would happen

"THATS ENOUGH YOU TWO!" I yelled and stretched my arms out

I turned my head to Malfoy then to Blaise

They both were inhaling hardly while giving each other a deathstare

"Malfoy, what the hell were you thinking?!" I asked

He said nothing. He only looked at me out of breath with his hair all messed up

Then he looked at Blaise

"You made her cry didn't you?" He said to Blaise

"What?! No! You were the one who made her cry!" Blaise replied

"STOP! no one made me cry! Ok?! Now can you guys PLEASE stop with this nonsense!" I yelled

Everything went silent

"Of course. I don't want to deal with this asshole anyway" Blaise said and walked away

After Blaise disappeared, Malfoy said

"What did he do?"

I crunched my eyebrows and answered

"Nothing! Why would you think HE would do anything to me?!"

I turned around and realized that some students were watching.

As i got out of the crowd everyone was saying "oooo"

Damn grow up, it's not kindergarten anymore

After the bell rang, we all head to our classes

We now have Defense Against The Dark Arts

..with SnApE..

We all took our seats and packed our stuff out.
We start listening to Snape cause we got no other choice except to get consequences

In the middle of the class, Professor Mcgonaggal entered the room

"Jess Lincon, Draco Malfoy, and Blaise Zabini please come into my office"

hogwarts bully- draco malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now