hogwarts bully part 29

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"Were you being a Malfoy when you kissed me?"

I asked as my heart began to burst.

He breathed through his mouth deeply as he heard that question. He looked at the ground and looked back at me

I widend my arms for an answer

"Yes." He answered "i was"

I crunched my eyebrows and felt as if all the airs in my body were pushed out

I wiped my tears away and replied

"Well, yeah. Uhm good to know"

I turned around and start heading to my dorm till Malfoy said


Ugh i wanna go to bed

I mean who fucking cares, he would probably say something unnecessary

"Bye Malfoy" i said and waved once without turning back

As i was about to open the door, Malfoy opened his mouth

"I wasn't" he said

I crunched my eyebrows and turned to him

"You weren't what?" I asked

He looked to the ground and back at me.

His eyes were half-covered by his platinum blonde hair, which all the ladies would melt on.
But i ain't got time to melt for that shit

"I wasn't being a Malfoy" he said

I frozed.

I closed my eyes and shook my head

"No, shut up" i said while shooking my head

But as i looked at him, he walked away

I opened the door to my dorm and got in

Ok first of all, was he lying?

I layed down on my bed quietly and tried not to wake Hermione and Ginny up

My head wondered back at the time as he kissed me. I shook my head to make that memory disappear but it won't. So i wondered deeper

I could remember that after he kissed me, i was very confused, very shocked, and kind of unsure abour this whole situation. But as my eyes met his eyes, i could remember how his face looked like

The face expression of his, never fitted him. He looked very confused and shocked. So as i was.

Then i remembered as he said that he didn't even know if that was a plan.

And second of all, why was i crying

I am Jess fucking Lincon. I don't cry because of some assholes. And i don't cry about Malfoy or Pansy

I looked at the clock to see what time it was.

It was 2 am.

Lmao my record was 5 am

I closed my eyes and tried to sleep. But it automatically opened.


I closed my eyes more tighter. It didn't work either

I sat down on my bed and layed my hand on my head.

I feel tired. But i can't close my eyes. I'm cOmpLicAtEd


I twitched. Holy shit who was that

I looked around the room and i saw Hermione sitting down.

Damn she looked scary. I mean with a white night gown and a messed up hair in the dark? Nuh uh

I sighed in relief and layed my hand on my chest

"What?!" I whispered loudly

"Where the fuck were you?!" She asked with a hand movement

"I told you, i needed fresh air!" I explained

"Till 2 am?" She asked

"Yeah?" I answered unsure

She sighed and turned her night lamp on

"Is there something you want to tell me?" She asked worrily

I opened my mouth but no words came out. I dont even want a single word to come out

"I mean, you go out everytime to get fresh air. There must be something wrong!" She said

I looked at her and she looked at me confusingly

"You don't have to worry about me. I'm fine Hermione." I smiled "and if there's something bugging me, I'll come to you"

She smiled and turned the night lamp on

"Good night jess" she said and layed down

"Good night hermione" i said and layed down too

As i finally closed my eyes Hermione said

"You know, i didn't believe you right?"

I rolled my eyes and said "go to sleep"

"Ok, ma'am" she said with a little giggle

hogwarts bully- draco malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now