hogwarts bully part 24

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"Good girl" he said

I turned my head away from him and got in the dining hall

"Where were you?!" Ginny asked

"Don't worry, Ginny! I'm now here" i smiled and she smiled back

I took some spaghetti bolognese and put them on my plate

I twirled the spaghetti with my fork and before i ate it, something quickly came up in my mind

But i of course ate that spaghetti on my fork first cause I'm not just gonna leave that perfectly twirled thing just like that pff

Omg it's delicious

Anyways, where was i? Oh yeah. Something came up in my mind:

"Btw, Hermione how did you know that Draco brought me?" I asked "you and Ginny were on the way to get a teacher. I thought"

Harry and Ron stopped eating and looked at Hermione and Ginny at the same time


Even Ron stopped eating. That's surprising

"Draco?!" Harry asked quietly

Hermione turned to Harry and back to me

"ok ok, look. So remember when i said me and Ginny are going to get a teacher?" she asked

I crossed my arms and said "no"

"You dont?! It was when-"

"of course i remember! Get to your point!" I said and threw hands

Her whole body faces mine and she began to tell the sTOrY

"So me and Ginny couldn't find a single teacher cause they were all in the Yule Ball, so we wanted to go back to the bathroom to check up on you till we saw Draco picking you up."

With the last sentence, my heart races

"We pointed our wands at him but he just said dont worry and walked away" Hermione explained

I crossed my arms

"Are you mad at him? He brought you to the nurse, jess!" She said

"You should've cast a spell on him!" I said

"Jess! You could've fall out of his arms and land with your head on the floor!" Hermione was really worried damn

Ok maybe she was right.

"At least he brought you to the nurse" she said

"At least" i replied

After lunch i went to my locker to get my paper work for the next subject

As i closed the locker door, a face popped up

"WOAH-" i gasped. "Blaise!" I said in relief

"Oops- didn't mean to scare you" Blaise giggled

"It's ok, just had a tiny shock" i said

He scared the shit outta me

"So i heard about last night" he said and decreased his smile

What? What was last night???

"You fainted am i right? I mean, that's what i heard" he explained

Oh right i fainted last night!

"No worries, Blaise. Im fine. Malfoy brought me to the nurse" i explained

"Malfoy?" He asked

"Yeah" i replied confusingly. He should've known cause Malfoy had been hanging out with him for a while

Blaise turned his head to the left. So i did too. Malfoy was standing there talking to some other slytherins. He seems to have a good time

"Yeah- uh- well, i better get to class now. See you around again!" He said quickly.

"Oh- bye!" I said

Da fuck was that

Anyways i need to see my schedule to know what i have next.

I scattered through the paper crams and as i found it, a big shadow came up to me

"Aw. You two are like pathetic couples" Draco said

"Sorry what was that? I don't speak Assholian"
I snapped and turned my back at him while trying to read my schedule

But the second i heard footsteps comming from infront of me, a hand pulled my waist and turned me around.

Everything went so fast.

And i suddenly felt his lips on mine

hogwarts bully- draco malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now