hogwarts bully part 23

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potion class with Snape was always light actually. but this time it's not light at all. it's probably cause i didn't concentrate very much on what he's saying. i was thinking of an unimportant subject.

who brought me to the hospital wing?.

i couldn't have sleepwalked there bitch i fucking fainted.

the last person i saw that day was the least person i wanted to see. basically Malfoy.

i remembered that he dropped me and everything went blurry right after.

it's a boy, he's a slytherin, and it's not Blaise... da fUck

it should be Malfoy. he was the last person i saw and no other slytherins would have carried me, a Gryffindor, to the hospital wing. Malfoy wouldn't do that either actually. which is weird.

and why the hell am i thinking about this. i don't give a damn if someone brought me to the nurse, i only care that i'm alive. but on the other hand, it would be rude to not thank that person.

which is Malfoy.

oh right it's Malfoy. well fuck that

wait. hold up. how did Hermione know that someone brought me to the nursery? she said that she was going to call a teacher with Ginny.

"Ms. Lincon!" Snape said in his deep voice calmly. he for real always say anything calmly but if someone would say a single letter, his inner lion would say roar

i twitched and quickly sat up straight. ah shit he caught me.

"pay.... atten..tion" he said.

"yes sir" i replied and nodded.

lmao yessir

he turned to the blackboard and wrote some boring facts down with his wand. with one flick the whole board was filled with potions stuff which we must write down.


After potion class, we had Astronomy and then something else idk anymore. I really like Astronomy actually. I always wanted to learn about those other worlds and what had been hiding up there.

Ok. Astronomy is boring. Im just glad that we'll have lunch time soon.

I couldn't even concentrate at Astronomy class. The fAhK.

Even at Transfiguration!

But it's time for lunch now. Finally. Im stArvInG.

"Jess what was wrong with you?!" I heard a voice behind me while walking towards the dining hall

"Oh Hermione! Hey" i said emotionless

"What's wrong??" She said and walked closer to me.

"Was it Malfoy?" I asked and turned to her with a serious face

Her smile turned to a 'oh shit she found out' face and looked down

"Well.. yeah yeah..yeahh.." she said nervously.

I looked down and whispered "i knew it"

"Are you mad?" She asked and pulled one lip corner up

"Wha- me? No! Why should i be?!" I said

Before we got in the dining hall, i spotted Malfoy. With 2 blondies. He was standing beside the dining hall door but isn't going in.

"I'll be right back! " i said to Hermione

"Be quick! I'll save you a seat" she said and went in the hall.

I made my way to Malfoy, who was leaning himself on the wall while talking with two other girls.

He then saw me and leaned away from the wall. And suddenly the two girls went away.

I was confused but whatevah

"It was YOU?" i asked and stood infront of him

"What do you mean?" He asked with a grin

"You brought me to Ms. Pomfrey?" I asked. Well more like a said

"Yeah, why" he asked and leaned on the wall again

"You could've- i mean- you're-" i tried to explain something that was actually unexplainable. I threw my hands everywhere to try to explain.

"Look" he said and leaned away from the wall again to get closer.

"I owe you after you helped me with the cake thing" he said and looked me in the eye

"A thank you would be great btw" he said and stood up straight

I looked to the ground then to Malfoy again.

Agh it's so embarrassing to say thank you to him. Fucking hate this bish

"Thank you..." i murmured.

"Im sorry what?" He said and got closer

"Thank. You!" I said loudly.

He smirked and lift my chin up

"Good girl"

Hey gusss, i know i know that was cringey as fuck

hogwarts bully- draco malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now