hogwarts bully part 42

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"so about the meeting" Malfoy started

i looked at him with a face that said 'go on'

"there's nothing to talk about" he then said with a smile

i frozed in disappointment

before he left i grabbed his wrist to make him stay

"what?" he said annoyed

"you're literally a bad liar" i replied

he turned his body to face me again and i let go of his wrist

"look, i can't remember anything that happend at that day" he answered

"that's another lie" i replied

"how is that a lie?!" he asked frustrated

lmao im detective gray

i just need detective black

"it was only 2 or 3 days ago and you can't forget an important meeting just like that" i explained

"well i forgot about it and who cares what happend that time" he shrugged his shoulders

"i do! that's why i'm asking" i said and widend my arms "so i'm asking you again, why did you want to meet me last time?"

Malfoy scoffed but then looked at my eyes and answered

"i don't know!" he  raised his shoulders up "i mean, gah, talking with you is just-"

"Jess!" a voice said from behind and interrupted Malfoy

i looked behind me and found


"i just- uh- oh" he said and looked at Malfoy "i didn't know you were here, dude" he said confused to Malfoy

bruh the fact that Malfoy is much taller than me and people could see his head sticking out from afar

"what do ya want" Malfoy asked

"i need to borrow her real quick" Blaise replied

did he just say 'borrow'? i'll deadass beat his ass if he say that one more time

then i felt Malfoy's arm hanging on my shoulder as he stood beside me

"can't, bro" Malfoy said and pretended to sigh disappointedly "she's occupied right now"

i rolled my eyes annoyed

"it won't even take a minute" Blaise explained

i'm not going with that guy

cause bish, stranger danger

"fine, is that ok for you babe?" Malfoy asked and looked at me


"oh you guys together? you know what, nevermind" Blaise said and walked away

"bye bye" Malfoy said as he walked away

as soon as Blaise was gone, i looked at Malfoy with a 'seriously?' face

"oh come on, don't look at me that way" Malfoy said and let go of my shoulder "a thank you would be nice"

"thank you" i said with a light smile

"you never had a boyfriend, right?" Malfoy asked

he did nOt just ask me that-


"i mean, you can't deal with broken hearts" He interrupted

"easy for the person to say, who break hearts" i explained

hogwarts bully- draco malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now