hogwarts bully part 40

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I looked at Pansy as she turned her head to me with her disgusting look. She said goodbye to Malfoy then winked and i could see Malfoy's eyeroll.

He better explain everything and about just now.

I came towards him as Pansy left and asked

"You guys are back together?"

I crossed my arms waiting for an answer. He laughed dryly and leaned himself back on the wall

Bitch there's ain't no time to relax

"We're not back together" he said calmly as he blinked towards me

"Looked like it" i said annoyed

He grinned and lifted my chin up

"You're jealous" he said and bit his lips to not laugh

I turned my head away to make him let go of my chin and looked back at him

"Im not jealous" i said clearly

"Ok ok i believe you" he said jokingly

"Im serious!" I explained kinda angrily

"Yeah ok, so why are you here" he asked


"You literally wanted me to come" i said in a tone that made him look dumb

"Yeah then you pulled out the middle finger" he explained annoyed

"Well now im here wether you like it or not" i said angrily

He grinned wider and checked me from bottom to the top.

Oh hell nah that grin bitch-  that mf grin-

"I always like it when you're here" he replied

"Im here for answers cause i dont fuck with confusing shit" i explained clearly

I. Need. Goddamn. Answers

"I'll tell you everything" he said

"Spit it out" i snapped

"Kiss me first" he grinned

I rolled my eyes annoyed

See? This is what i mean. He plays with random bitches and now im next. Boi he likes it, doesnt he? He made my life confusing, in which he do all those stuff i only see him doing when we both are alone.

"I want to ask you one question and you gotta be honest" i said seriously

"K, and that would be?" He said confused

"Was it true that you were not drunk as you kissed me?" I asked and hoped for a no cause i will still have much more questions if he said yes

His grin lowered itself as he heard my sentence and he gave me a serious look

"Yeah" he answered

My whole air just automatically flew outta my body and i dont know how to inhale anymore. I regret asking that. I knew it i knew it. And i hate to know that. See?! He is messing with me.

Why? Just WHY

*sad bitch moment lol*

"You've used me, played me, messed me up. What else?! Break my heart?" I asked

Yo hold up.

Why the fuck did i said 'break my heart' ?

Wait can he like,.... Forget that shit? .,.

"Break your heart?" He asked worrily

As i looked at his face, he looked so worried as if something important vanished away from his life. It was a familiar face but not a facei used to see everyday

hogwarts bully- draco malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now