hogwarts bully part 36

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"how about this one?" Ginny asked and held a long sparkling white dress on her chest "oo oo or this one?!" she asked again and held a short red ribboned dress

"i think the red one is nice, it fits with your ginger hair" i said and layed a hand on my chin to look prOfEssiOnAl

"i agree" Hermione replied

yes, if you're asking, we are already in Hogsmeade and Ginny wanna search a perfect dress to match up with harry

"nah i'll take the white one" ginny said and placed the red dress back on its place.

me and Hermione just looked at each other unbelievably and laughed right after

Ginny got in the dressing room to dress herself while me and Hermione are looking at other dresses

"oo look at his one" Hermione claimed and took a dress out

"that would fit you so good!" i replied with a smile

"how bout you jess?" she asked and held the dress on her arm

"i have enough dresses in my closet" i said while seeing other dresses

"IM READY" Ginny yelled from the dressing room and we directly ran towards her as she opened the curtains

"woaaahhhh!" Hermione gasped

"honey you look stunning!" i said and clapped the single words i pronounced

"im buying it!" she claimed with a big smile on her face

after Ginny and Hermione bought their dresses, we made a quick stop in The Three Broomsticks and ordered, of course, 3 butterbeers

"now that i think of it, where are the boys?" i asked while taking my seat

"they said they're helping with the whole decoration thing" Ginny answered and sat beside me

"yeah to be honest im glad cause we finally have our own girs day" Hermione said and sipped on her Butterbeer

"oh my god" Ginny gasped and looked towards the door

"what is it?" i asked shockly and look at the direction she was staring at

then i saw it

Blaise was comming at our direction

"just ignore him" Hermione whispered and started to act cool

i drank a huge sip from my butterbeer slowly so that i shouldn't say something

"oh hey jess i uh didn't know you were here" Blaise said as he reached our table and laughed nervously

i continue to drink my butterbeer so that i dont have to deal with his shit

"jess?" he asked

dude go take a hint dammit

i placed my drink on the table and asked

"yall hear sum?"

Hermione and Ginny looked at eachother and shook their heads

"no, nothing actually" Hermione said

"me neither" Ginny shrugged

it was silent for a sec and i was hoping that he would just leave!

"oh ok then uhm bye i guess" he scratched his head and got away

after he got away we burst into laughter

"oh god that was so awkward" i said while wiping a tear away

"that was so embarrassing for him holy shit" Hermione said while laughing

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