hogwarts bully part 13

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"Wake up! Jess! Wake Up!!" A voice said. I opened my eyes and it was Hermione. I crunched my eyes at her and said "it's sunday". I turned to the other side and got back to sleep.

"Yeah but today is the last day before the yule ball" Hermione said kind of quiet

"So?" I murmured. "Me and Ginny want to try our dresses like last time with you again before breakfast"

I pretend to snore so that she would leave me alone but she know me very sadly well. She took her pillow and punched me in the face with it.

"Fine" i said and turned to Hermione and Ginny who are wearing their dresses already with a big smile on their faces.

"Pull me" i said with a big smile. They rolled their eyes and grinned

Ugh i love them.

After our drEsS pArTy, we wore our robes and went out for breakfast. The table wasn't even full. I guess some students decided to skip breakfast.

I sat down on my seat infront of Ron and Harry with Ginny and Hermione. "Cant believe that tomorrow is the yule ball already!" Ginny said and Harry smiled. Even Ron and Hermione are getting closer.

"Guys" i said. All 8 eyes turned to me. "Must i attend the ball? I mean it's just... dancing" i said shrugging.

"Of course you must! It's a tradition!" Harry said. I layed my head disappointedly on the table. "I'll just go alone" i said.

"Well that's sad" Ron said. I pulled my head up from the table and glared at him, which made Hermione, Harry and Ginny laugh.

After breakfast, i went to the library cause i need to do some researches for my homework. Hermione gave me her lucky charm. She said it's good for studying and she got lots of good grades so why not. It looks like a white stone but shiny... very shiny.

While im studying, Hermione, Ron, Harry and Ginny were.. i dunno doing couple stuffs i guess. But that's fine, cause i can focus now

In the middle of my study, I felt as if someone was staring at me. I pulled my head from my book up and saw Malfoy sitting 3 tables away from me with his feet on the table.

I can see his stupid grin from this distance. Concentrate on your studies jess. Dont let this idiot get in your way.

I looked down at my papers again and start continuing.

I heard footsteps comming towards my direction. I looked up and it was professor Pince arguing with Malfoy cause these table aren't made for his feet.

He looked up to her and said something while smirking.

If i were her, i would slice his feet off

When i realized he was comming towards me, i directly turned to my homework.

Please don't please dont please don't. I dont want his stupid comments get in the way of my wOndErfUl day.

As he reached my table, he stood still. "Oh look who it is" he said. I ignored him. He pulled a chair beside me and sat on it. I could feel his burning glare. Why can't he just go bully someone else today?!

"Malfoy, go take your nasty comments somewhere else." I said and turned to him. This boy's hobby is literaly grinning, im telling you.

"A little grumpy today?" He asked.

Ughhhhhh i hAte this boy!

I ignored that question and continue with my work. "Oh and what is this?" He asked and grabbed Hermione's lucky charm.

"Draco, give it! Please!" I said. But he sticks his hand higher and of course the famous grin is there again. Crap, if i break it, Hermione is going to kill me!.

I tried jumping higher but it wont work. "you're too short, Lincon" he said. "Well you're too tall, Malfoy" i said. I tried jumping very high but it went very wrong...

As i jumped high, draco wanted to take a step backwards but his chair was on the way and he fell on his chair. And i stick both arms out and hold the chair to not fall on him.

His grin was gone for a second. I guess he was kind of shocked too of how close we are.

Then i grinned. "Got it" i said and held the charm infront of him. He rolled his eyes.

I stood up and cleaned my stuff as fast as i could. "You're fast, Lincon. But not as fast as me to get a date" he said while still sitting on his chair. I ignored him and ran out of the library.

He thought he could win? Pff. He now learned his lesson.

"This Dumbass" i murmured and made my way to search for my friends

I've searched everywhere! Where can they be? Whatever, I'll just do my homework in the Gryffindor Common Room. At least i can concentrate.

Before i could even write a single letter on the paper, 4 people shouted "jess!" At the same time. I looked up directly and found my 4 friends.


"I could ask you guys the same thing!!" I said. We all sat down and played a game. I dunno what game it was. I dont even know the game well. I guess that's why i lost a couple of times.

A couple of hours later, its time for dinner.

We made our way to the dining Hall and we could hear Ron's stomache grumbling. "Do you have a whale in there ?" Hermione asked and we all laughed.

We took our seats and take the delicious foods on our plate.

Hermione, Ginny and Harry were telling me the names of the boys who hans't got dates yet and Ron is stuffing his mouth with the food.

I can't take my mind out of the Ball! It's literally everywhere! And before we made our way to our rooms, Dumbledore told us a speech about yule ball. Ughhh.

We all went to bed afterwards. But not me. I have no idea why. So i stood up and went out quietly.

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