hogwarts bully part 52

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"Is that Draco and Theo?" Ginny asked confused

"What in the world-" Hermione said and crunched her eyebrows

"I think this is the part where we leave" Harry said and as he was about to leave, Ron grabbed his arm and pulled him back on his seat

"You're missing the show, buddy" Ron smirked and let Harry go

I agree with Ron

This shit will be funny as hell

"not my fault that i have that feeling!" Theo shouted to Malfoy

bruh what feeling???

Who cares, this is getting better

"Keep your distance from her" Malfoy then said and slipped his hands on his pockets


"Bro i can't promise you that" Theo scoffed "I'm not your pet" he added

"Hm" Malfoy then said and Crabbe and Goyle suddenly appeared behind him "let's see about that then" Malfoy added and hit his shoulder on Theo's arm as he walked pass him

oOooOoo mYstEriOusssSs

After a couple of hours, as me, Hermione, Harry, Ron and Ginny were on our way to go to our common room, Theo came towards us and stopped us from walking

"Hey, Jess- i uh"

before Theo could continue talking, i asked "did Malfoy sent you here?"

"Nott, mOve" Ron then said

"trust me it won't take long! and no, Draco didn't send me here" Theo replied

"then what do you want?" i asked annoyed

"i'm sorry about the stupid move before" Theo added

"bet she'll never forgive that though" Hermione snapped

it doesn't surprise me that Hermione could read my mind cause she knows me too damn well

it would only surprise me if i could read my own mind if that made sense, cause there are times where i surprise myself by what i did or what i said and there are times where my dumbass walked through a fucking glass door

yep, she's correctttttttt

lmao that's why i love her

she understands me


ahem ahem

"you've already said sorry before, Theo. you think apologizing twice will make me forgive you?" i asked and crossed my arms

now to think of it

why did he want me to forgive him so badly

"look, i know what i did was very wrong and i should have think before i act. I swear i've change and i can proof that" Theo explained

i raised my eyebrows unbelievably, knowing he can't prove it lmao

"mhm" i hummed to give a sign that i'm listening

"meet me here, in this hallway, after dinner" he replied and hoped i'd say yes

"no the fuck" i then said

bro, i'm not thAt naive, i mean, cOme On

"wha- why not" Theo asked concerned

"i'm not gonna fall for that twice" i explained

"please" Theo then said

i looked at him with a face that said 'you're gonna waste your time :)'

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