hogwarts bully part 4

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as we make our way to the Great Hall, Hermione was telling me how happy she was to have Ron as a dance practice partner.

i just smiled cause i am definitely NOT happy about my bloody dance practice partner, mAlfOy. 

as we reached the Hall, the males has to stand next to each other in a row facing the female partner.

i stood infront of Draco who is facing to the ground.

is he.... nervous?.

he then look at me and i looked away. 

professor Karkaroff starts telling us the first steps

"hello class! you all probably know what we'll do today. Dancing of course!" i turned to Hermione who was looking very excited.

"make a step closer to each other" professor Karkaroff said while checking the other students.

i looked at Draco and he looked at me back.

"you're so short" he whispered.

i rolled my eyes. "stand up straight and look at your partner's eyes".

i looked at Draco's eyes and i swear he was looking at my soul.

"hope you're good at dancing, Lincon" Draco whispered.

"as if you are any better" i whispered back.

"the male must grab the female by their waist with their right hand".

Draco grabbed me by my waist and pulled me a little bit closer.

he looked in my eyes as if there's something in it.

"wonderful, Malfoy and Lincon! look at them! perfect!"

i lost Draco's eye contact and i feel how he kind of push my waist a little bit further away from his.

i looked at the other students, who were glaring at me. i know what they want. they want mAlfOy. drAcO mAlfOy.

"now grab your partner's left hand".

i streched my hand out, so does Draco and we grabbed eachother's hand.

his hand was cold. he probably thinks that my hand is warm.

"now the female must lay their right hand on the male's shoulder".

i layed my hand on his shoulder and i looked at Harry who was looking at me with his pulled up eyebrows.

i looked at him with a 'i know' face.

"and now we start with the dancing!" Professor Krakaroff said.

"you better not step on these shoes, Lincon" Draco whispered.

"oR mY fAthEr wiLl hEaR abOut tHiS. yeah i get it" i said.

"watch your mouth you mudblood. "

hogwarts bully- draco malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now