hogwarts bully part 19

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"It's show time" i said to myself.

 Hermione and Ginny already went in the ball with their dates, Harry and Ron. I told them i needed to do something in our dorm and they can already go without me. Did i lie? Yeah. Did they knew? For sure.

As i made my way to the ball, I hid myself behind the wall next to the stairs which leads down to the hall where the Ball was. I peaked at the ball to see what they're doing and all. Dancing, eating, talking. Everyone looks amazing and very.. elegant. Damn.

Ok. Im ready. I'm probably the last one, who came in but who cares. I went down the stairs as elegant as possible. Oh gosh im just embarrassing myself. As i came down i sat myself on the table where Harry and Hermione were.

"Hey guys, where are Ron and Ginny?" I asked.
"Family talk. Dont ask" she giggled. Harry looked up to me and said "woah jess! You look fantastic!".

"Why thank you! You dont look bad yourself!" I replied and bow myself dramatically. I sat down next to Hermione and talked to her and Harry while waiting for Ron and Ginny.

I then spotted something on my right.. something that looks more fantastic than me. I gasped. "What's wrong?" Hermione asked. I didn't answer her and walked at the direction im looking at.

I then stopped infront of Malfoy. "Well well well. Too poor to buy that black lace dress i see?" He smirked.

"Aww, you still remember that?" I replied sarcastically.

"No, i-" before he could finish his sentence, i said "move" and pushed him away from the delicious Cake, which was on the table behind him with all the other sweets.

My eyes widened and so does my smile. I took a plastic plate from the table beside the wonderful cake. And took a slice of cake with a silver knive. I took a little fork and start enjoying my cake. Mmmmmm! Delicious!!!!

"You really can't think about anything else than food, can you?" A voice said from my left.

Well now i lost my appetite. "Shut up Malfoy" i said sharply.

"Lincon, you are very pathetic, you know? You can't get a date, you can't get a partner, you cant.."

Malfoy keeps talking and talking. Ugh! Can he just shut up?! I gripped my fork more stronger and crunched my eyes. I can't take it anymore. Then i did something. I did something really bad. Yep. Yo Draco Fucking Malfoy.

Shit shit shit.

I 'accidently' threw a piece of my cake on his suit. 'Accidently'. Totally.

I thought i wouldnt regret it but now i do, cause he is a freaking Malfoy! He will tell his fAthEr about this and i have to buy him a new suit i guess. Freak i really have to think before i act. It wasnt my fault that he is born annoying!

Malfoy twitched and took a step back as ths white cake glued on his black suit. He took his hands out of his pocket and looked at his chest shockingly as if his heart got pulled out.

I looked at it and opened my mouth, though no words came out. He looked at me again with the same face expression and said "you better fix this, Lincon. Wait till my-"

 i cut him off and said "fAthEr will hEaR aBoUt ThiS" in my undertone. "Ok, just come with me! And shut your mouth, will you?"

Malfoy looked at me confusingly yet mad.. well i cant really know since his hair was covering literally the half of his face. "Wha-"

"It was a command" i replied. I grabbed his wrist and went to the nearest bathroom. Everyone was watching. Even Pansy. I can see that she was very.. very.. shocked. This ain't good people.

We went up the stairs and through the hallways. Damn this school is huge.

Then i saw the boys and girls bathroom.

"We're going to the girls bathroom wether you like it or not" i said and turned to the girls bathroom. Im glad he didnt complained though.

I let him go and he leaned himself on the sink. I took some paper towel, which is standing infront of the sink and made it a little bit wet.

I turned to draco which was facing upwards while closeing his eyes. What should this scene mean- i- 

"What are you-"

"Im hurt". Seriously? This kid can't get any dramaticer. I came up to him and layed my hand on his chest and wiped the piece of cake gently off his suit with the other hand. I mean.. the cake came out. But there are still some stains. I'll just have to make the paper towel wet again.

I threw the first paper towel in the bin and took another piece and made it wet again. This time i have to wipe the stain on his tie off. I grabbed his black tie and wiped the stain gently as possible.

Then i noticed something weird.. Malfoy wasn't complaining through the whole cleaning session. I stopped brushing his tie for a second and looked up to his face.

He was looking at me. His face seemed relaxed. He was not grinning or anything. I opened my mouth halfway but no words came out. He looked at my lips and back at my eyes. We glanced at each other for a minute long. I dont know what it is with Malfoy. He could be really strange sometimes.

"You like staring at my eyes hm?" Malfoy asked out of nowhere and starts to grin

I scoffed and pulled his tie closer to me.

"It's all the way around, Malfoy" i said and let go of his tie.

I went to bin and threw the paper towel away and washed hand on the sink.

"It's cleaned. Happy?" I asked and turned around

He looked down to his chest and said "mm.. not perfect but i can live with that"

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms

"Welp. Bye." He leaned away from the sink and head out the bathroom.

"Not even a thank you?" I shouted from a distance.

"Im a Malfoy. You know that" he yelled back from outside

I rolled my eyes and turned to the mirror.

Is this me?..

Cause i look fine as hell i mean look at that baddie. That dress, that hair, that i dunno what else.

You can do this jess! Get out there and ROCK that ball!

I head out the bathroom and stopped cause i heard a 2 voices.

"Why were you in the girls bathroom?"

"I took a false turn"

"How could you take a false turn?!"

I crunched my brows and went all the way outside.

Oh no. Oh no no no.

It was Pansy and Draco.

Pansy's head turned to me and glared at me with fire ball eyes.

"What were you guys doing?" She asked and crossed her arms while looking at me and Malfoy. But mostly me.

This won't end up well.

Omg omg omg I'm sorry for those who hates long chapters😅❤

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