hogwarts bully part 43

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"you'll see" i said and grinned

that note was for pansy cause i wanted to meet her somewhere to tell her that she sould stop ruining my life. she's even worse than Malfoy. i wrote that note with Malfoy's shitty handwriting so that she'll think it's him cause if im the one who wrote that, she'll ignore it

as i was about to go to her locker, Malfoy blocked the way

"where are you going and why is my handwriting on that paper?" he asked and read the note " meet me infront of the great hall tomorrow at 8- Lincon, what's that for?!" he asked and crunched his eyebrows

"none of your business" i said and tried to go left to avoid him but he quickly went to the left side to block my way

"well my handwriting is on that paper so it is kind of my business" he explained

"if i tell you, you won't let me do it" i explained

he looked at me confusingly and then looked at Blaise who was just standing there, doing nothing

"ok, Blaise we need a moment, so would you leave?" Malfoy asked politely


him and polite?

never heard of it

"but i can keep secrets-"

"i said lEAve!" Malfoy interrupted Blaise

welp there goes the politeness

Blaise scoffed and walked away

"now tell me" Malfoy said and slipped his hands in his pockets

".. fine i want to slide this note in Pansy's locker" i sighed pathetically

"why is my handwriting on it?" he asked

"she would think that YOU wrote this and she'll come" i explained "i know what you're gonna say, she's my girl and-"

"just go" he said calmly as he interrupted me while looking somewhere else

he walked away into the dining hall as he heard his friends

Oh yEaH!

now that Malfoy's outta the way, i can just slip this shitty handwrittend note in her locker without Malfoy saying some shit

i went down the hall and stopped infront of Pansy's locker. i slipped the note through the small gap and went right away

i got in the dining hall again cause i didn't a single thing cause Pansy got in the way.

ahem ahem what a dumb snitch ahem ahem

"and? did she cry?" hermione asked as i sat on my seat

"i don't wanna go that far yet" i explained and grinned

"yet?" Ron asked "ooohoo"

"just becareful though. you know that bitch, she'll report you to the teachers" Ginny explained

"don't worry. i'll be careful" i said and smiled

lmao but i won't be careful on the snitch

"good evening, students" Dumbledore said and waits for a silence

we all turned our heads to Dumbledore's direction and listened

"as you all know, we made a dance practice last time for the Yule Ball." he started and stared at every single eye in the room. "and now we will be practicing again" he smiled as he heard some students sighed in disappointment

hogwarts bully- draco malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now