hogwarts bully part 10

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"Jess, your robe!" Hermione said and threw my robe at me. "Thanks!" I replied. I ran with ginny and Hermione out of our room while trying to wear my robe.

I always have to look down at my robe to button ut up while running.

Then i bumped somebody's shoulder and i stood still. "Oops sorry!"

"Watch yourself, Lincon"  ugh this familiar voice. I looked up and what a wonder. Draco bloody Malfoy.

"Im not sorry after all" i smiled and
and ran to Hermione and Ginny who are waiting for me infront of the Hogwarts entrance.
"Ok im here!"  I said "what took you so long?" Hermione asked. "Malfoy" i replied.

We made our way to the train and we saw Harry and Ron sitting in the train. They smiled at us and we were confused how they got here so fast.

"Oh hey guys! Can we?" I asked. "Yeah of course!" They said and made some space for us to sit.

A couple of minutes later, the door opened from the other train compartment. It was the blonde asshole

"Oh! You guys are comming to Hogsmeade too? Are you guys gonna buy something there? It's really expensive and i don't think any of yo-"

Before Malfoy could even talk more, i stood up and closed the door. I've had enough of his nonsense.

I opened the curtain, which was hanging on the glass door to see Draco's angry face. That always makes my day. As i opened it, i saw a big frown on his face and he starts to say something but i couldn't hear it so i just closed the curtain again and sat next to Ginny.

Then I'm starting to get thristy. I drank some of my juice and it spilled on my shirt. On my WHITE shirt. Can this day get any worse? Anyways, i made my way to the bathroom to wash my sticky hands ewooghhh.

I opened the door to the other compartment and closed it. Before i could make another step, i tripped and fell on my knees.

"Lincon, i know you're in love with me but you don't have to go on your knees for me" i looked up and it was Malfoy with Crabbe and Goyle.

Can there just be one day, ONE day without Malfoy?

hogwarts bully- draco malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now