hogwarts bully part 27

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"Oh hello there" he grinned

I scoffed and turned my head to the night sky again to get rid of his face

He leaned on the balcony again and asked

"What were you doing with Blaise?" He asked

"None of your business" i said shortly

"UhM. He is my fRiEnD" he said and looked at me

"Since when did you care about your friend?" I asked and looked at him

"Since... now!" He claimed

I giggled although i didn't want to.

AHHHH WHY THE FUCK DID I GIGGLE IN FRONT OF HIM. i regret that. That was so cringey. Ew ew ew. AHHH

As i was about to look away, i could have sworn i saw a light smile on his face

"Ok. Spit it out" i said and crossed my arms

"Spit what out?" He asked and looked at the sky

"Why are you here exactly??" I asked and turned to him again

"Is it forbidden for me to come here?" He asked sarcastically

"For me: yes" i said and shrugged my shoulders

He looked at the night sky again and so did i

"Don't even think about it, Lincon" he said

I crunched my eyebrows

"Think about what?" I asked

"That the kiss meant something" he said

Why would he think im thinking about THAT?! I would've puked directly if i thought of that.

"I haven't even thought of that till you bring it up" i said and rolled my eyes

There was a short silence

"Why did you kiss back?" He asked and turned his whole body to me

A hot heat attacked my whole body. Did he really just asked that?!

"What? Huh?" I pretend not to hear that so that i have time to think about that myself

The question is: i mean, did i even kissed back??

"You heard that loud and clear, Lincon" he said.

I didn't want to make eye contacts with him. Nuh uh.

"I didn't kiss back, the fuuuuuuck" i said and looked down

Why is he thinking about that? Why now? Is he gonna expose me or sumn? What is this? Is this a joke? No it cant be? Could it? Nuh uh no. AHHHHH

"You could've pushed me away." He said and leaned closer to me to catch my eyes

As i looked at him, he added

"But you didn't"

The he grinned. This devilish grin is there again, which all the ravenclaw ladies melt on

I rolled my eyes and pushed his face away with a hand so that he wouldn't grinned at me like that

He giggled dryly

And so did i

Then he looked at me again. But this time there were no grin. His face seemed relax.

"WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT GETTING NEAR HIM LINCON?!" a high pitched voice yelled

Holy shit this bitch scared me

I turned around and i expected no one else than the slytherin queen Pansy Parkinson.

Great. Amazing. Fantastic

"Stop yelling you're gonna wake some people up! Geez woman!" I explained

She crossed her arms

"Dude, just take your boyfriend with you and do couple shit" i said and rolled my eyes

A short silence was interrupted by Malfoy leaning away from the balcony

"We broke u-"

Before Draco could finish his sentence, she ran to him and kissed him.




Heyo!!❤💕😊 just a small spoiler: so i will right something sad that will happen to me and draco because of a drama that a bitch made aaannnddd so i wanna TELL Y'ALL BEFORE THE SAD SCENE: don't be sad afterwards!❤! There will be happiness right after!

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