hogwarts bully part 20

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No. Oh shit no.

Did Pansy thought we-

Hell no.

"What were you two doing?" Pansy asked and crossed her arms.

"We did nothing" i lied

"Pansy i told you i took a wrong turn" Draco tried to explain.

Wait. He wanted to make her jealous and now he's making it alright again? Im confused. And surprised cause he didn't say any bad lies about me like usually

Pansy walked closer to me and stopped 2 step away from me.

"Go. Away. From him" Pansy whispered

"I always have" I whispered back.

You know what? Im done with Draco's games. Or Pansy's complain

"But he was the one who came to me in the first place" i whispered and slowly walked backwards away from her with a smirk.

She crunched her brows and i shrugged my shoulders.

I turned away from her and walked towards the hall where the ball was

That. Was. Close

I mean i wanna make her mad but i dont wanna get in trouble. Again.

As i was in the ball, i ran to Hermione, Ron, Harry and Ginny and start talking to them.

"Jess! There you are! I thought you'll never come back!" Harry claims and i replied "i just had a little problem in the bathroom" with a nervous laugh

They smirked. "Was it the cake?" Hermione asked. "No, Pansy" i said shortly. "Explains everything" she replied

"The dance is going to start soon!" Hermione said

"Yeah you should dance with us!" Ginny said

"You should take your partner!" Ron said

Harry punched him lightly on his shoulder

"Oh.. sorry i mean-"

"It's ok Ron. I'm gonna go take some fresh air. I'll be back" i said and made my way to the huge opened balcony

"Great Ron!" I heard Harry said

I'm not mad at him or at any other person. I just felt kind of dizzy with the whole ball things and to be honest, I'm feeling kind of pathetic again.

But the ball is going to end soon

It was fresh out here in the balcony. Not cold or warm. It's in the middle but more likely cold.

I leaned myself on the balcony concrete fence and stared at the dark sky.

Ok, no. I dont stare at the sky cause its mErsMeRiZinG. That's dramatic. Im here cause i for real need some fresh air. The cake did hit me though.

The music suddenly changed and i turned my head out the balcony door, which was leading to the ball and saw all of the people including my friends dancing together.

I even saw Malfoy with Pansy together. Wow. They're together quickly again. I could see how Pansy was all over him. She was so close that he has to make a double chin

I turned my head to the sky again. And think

'If Malfoy really wants to make Pansy jealous, why didn't he just tell her that he was in the bathroom with me?'

Now that i realized, ew. In a bathroom with Malfoy. UUghH those goosebumps blAh

Then i saw a long skinny shadow next to me.

 "Leave. Me. Alone" i said without looking back

He ignored that command and leaned himself on the fence next to me

"Dude, don't you have anything better to do?"
I asked annoyed

"What exactly?" Malfoy asked bitchily

"I dunno, go flirt with those Ravenclaws or mess up someone else's life" i explained

"I've done that enough for today. It's time to mess your life"

"Malfoy go away" i said

"I think you want me to go away because"

He walked closer to me and i turned to him. We were close that i can feel his warm cheeks through the cold air.

"You're afraid to fall in love with me" he replied and looked deeply in my eyes


NUH to the UH

I layed my warm hand on his ice cold hand, which was holding the concrete fence. He looked at it and looked back at me.

Am i... in love with him? Oh mY gOsh gUys. I think i Am iNlOvE wiTh tHiS iDioT nAmEd mAlFoy.

Then i made a fist and punched his hand.

But before i hit his hand he pulled it away and i end up hitting the concrete

"I knew it" he said with a grin

hogwarts bully- draco malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now