hogwarts bully part 54

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"that was a fun night, wasn't it guys?" Ron asked and placed his arms around mine and Mione's shoulders

"RON" Mione yelled and shoved his arm off of her shoulder, which made Ron twitch and backed off

"what, Mione?!" Ron asked irritated and widend his arms

"My HAIR yOU LITTLE SNITCH" Mione screamed and brushed her hair straightly

Ron rolled his eyes

"ok ok sorryyyy" Hermione then said and locked her arms on Ron's

"oh are you now?" Ron asked and raised his eyebrows

"Oh cOme On" Mione replied and rolled her eyes while smirking

them two lovebirds istg

they be cute asf

As we were on the way to go to our dorm, i heard voices comming from the other hallway

sounded like




hold up i gotta listen to this shit, i don't want anything to happen to Theo

"guys, i think i'm gonna help the other students with cleaning the party and stuff, i'll catch up!" i said and as i was about to rush away, Harry said

"wha- they're using magic! it's gonna be done very soon"

"i don't wanna look useless" i replied and rushed away before Mr. Detective could say anything else

"be back soon, i'm warning you, Jess Lincon!" Hermione screamed from behind me

oh shit she even said my last name

"YES MA'AME" i screamed back and turned to the other hallway

As i arrived the hallway, where Theo and Draco were in, i directly crouched myself behind the wall and listened to what they were saying

i should be a fucking agent someday

but i'm clumsy asf so yuh

"as if you know her any better" i heard Malfoy saying

"at least i don't have an attitude like yours" Theo scoffed

"you're just talkin shit about me cause you ain't got anything better to say" Malfoy replied with a slight of laughter

"shut the fuck up" Theo answered annoyed

"so you're mad cause i'm right?" Malfoy asked

"dude i'm not mad!" Theo said irritated "let's not fight over a stupid topic" Theo added

"fine." Draco answered "if you need some advice, tell me."

"ight, thanks man" Theo replied

what advice???

"makes me wanna steal her away from you" Malfoy then said








"cut the nonsense, Malfoy" Theo said kinda angrily

"it's not like i said anything wrong" Malfoy replied

I then couldn't hear any response from Theo

hogwarts bully- draco malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now