hogwarts bully part 22

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"Oh sorry i thought you were someone else" i said while trying to stand up

"Yeah me too" he said and lets me go

Bitch i-

"Wha-" i looked back and he for real just left my ass just like that. Ice cold.

Oh shit. My mind is literally screaming right now. My vision is blurry again and my head is spinning. Im weaker than before

And suddenly everything went black.

I woke up the next day through the daylight and with a beaming headache.

Then i realized...

Where the fuck am i?! This is not my dorm! Why am i laying on the nursery's bed?

I know i fainted yesterday but how did i got here?!

"JESS JESS OMG THANK GOD YOU'RE ALIVE" a loud voice came from the hall.

I twitched although i knew it would be Hermione

My headache beats harder. Ouch. I layed my hand on my head and tried to make it stop

"Oh...sorry.. too loud?" She asked carefully

"It's ok, it wouldn't be too loud if i haven't had any headache" i smiled

She smiled back

"Anyways how did i got here?" I asked and looked at her in the eyes

"Well uh.. you see" she started and i lost her contacts. She was brushing her hair off her face and i saw that her face became red

"It was.. one of the boys" she said.

"Which? Harry or Ron? I would love to thank them" i said.

Why is she so nervous like dayum

"Neither of them. It's a slyhterin.." she stuttered and gulped right after

"A slytherin?!" I asked surprisingly. My eyes popped out and i was thinking...

The fuck

"OH!!! YOU'RE AWAKE!" a high pitch voice said.
Madame Pomfrey

"Oh, hello madame Pomfrey. I was just-"
Hermione tried telling her that she came to greet me but madame Pomfrey just said

"I'm sorry Ms. Granger but you must leave her alone for a bit" she said calmly

She stood infront of me to block Hermione from me.

"So hap hap!" Madame Pomfrey shoo her away

"We'll talk later" i said to Hermione before she walked completely out and she nodded

As soon as Hermione left madame Pomfrey said "get some rest sweety, after lunch you may attend class" and smiled

I smiled back to make her know i understnad and she left

Ok. A time to think alone.

A slytherin hm? I bet it was Blaise.

Im gonna say thank you to him after lunch, which is in a couple of minutes.

He's kind i guess

In a couple of minutes was lunch time. I stood up slowly and went to the dining hall.

My head isn't hurting so bad actually. I saw Hermione stretching her arm out and waving at me.

"JESS" she screamed.

Dude damn. I saw you chill

I came up to her and sat beside her.

"Are you ok?!" Harry asked and stood up

"Yeah im fine no need to worry" i smiled and he smiled back.

After we ate, i decided to thank Blaise for his kindess.

Lmao. Kindess tf.

We made our way to potion class and hopefully i would meet Blaise on the way there

"Guys ill be right back!" I said as i saw Blaise with Draco and his gorilla guards in the hallway

"But we have potions now! With SNAPE!" Ron said and pronounced snape disgustedly

"Don't worry ill be right back!" I said and rushed to Blaise before Ron could say a word

I stood beside Blaise and and grabbed his wrist to make him stop walking.
He turned his head shockingly and i smiled

"Do you have a minute?" I asked politely

He seemed confused "oh uh yeah." He said

Draco and his gorillas are still standing beside him while watching our conversation.

Blaise's whole body turned to me and he said "what's up?"

"Thank you for picking me up to the nursery last night" i said and tried to hide my stutter

"Nursery? I think u exchanged me with the wrong person" He asked confusingly

I was confused. I crunched my eyebrows and think


"Oh uhm sorry i better go to class now. See ya!" I said and he smiled and waved goodbye

Oh shit that was embarrassing

Who could it then be?!

It couldn't be Draco either. He didn't say a word before. Or is he?....

Nahhhh why the fuck would he do that pff

Sorry for the late update! I just wrote an exam yesterday!! Hope you guys enjoyedddd

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