hogwarts bully part 57

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what have i done

why do i have this feeling?

why do i have this feeling on Malfoy? wth

as malfoy disappeared, i slowly began to walk towards my dorm while thinking what's wrong with me

first of all, i am hella confused cause, well,

i basically kinda like my enemy.. i guess? THE HELL AM I SAYING?!

gah, i can't think of him right now or anytime. He said that he's moving on and so am i. I'm moving on. To someone new. To Theo... maybe?

i don't know UGHHHHHHH this whole thing doesn't even feel right. Which part you ask? every single thing about this.


i don't think i can move on.

i mean, bitch, tell me. How tf can i move on from a bitch i just realized i like on the same day? EXACTLY

why. Why does it have to be Malfoy out of all people?! why was he the one who made me cry, why was he the one who made me mad and why was he the one who made me feel shit i never felt? why do i even like him at the end after all the shit he made me gone through?


where's a fucking tequila when you need one


i hate that i like him. do i even like Theo? i do of course. ehe..

FUCK UGHHHHH i don't know why but when i think about Theo, i don't feel this feeling. Like, when i think about Theo i don't feel the same feeling as i felt when i think was thinking about Draco. don't ask what kind of feeling. I don't know either

but fr tho :


I crunched my eyebrows and tried to shoo the thoughts away. But his name kept on comming back in my head BRO AAAAAGHHHHHHHHHHH STFUUUUUUUUUU. Leave me alone bitch goddayum

"Jess!" a voice shouted from infront of me

ah, finally a distraction!

as i looked who it was, i then saw Theo

oh no bitch shoo the fuck away i don't need you right now goshdayum

i made some steps towards him to reach him

"hey!" He said with a smile

"hi" i replied with an awkward smile

"why aren't you in bed yet?" he asked

"i could ask you the same thing" i answered "what were you doing?" i added curiously

"i was watching the stars in the astronomy tower" he answered and shrugged his shoulders

i crunched my eyebrows lightly

wait a damn minute. Bruh i was in the astronomy tower and i didn't see him even entering the stairway.. What the fuck. BRUH WHY HE LYING OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHH


vote him out right now before he gon' yank someone else's neck

"you were in the astro tower?" i asked

"yeah, why" he asked

i left my mouth halfway opened while looking at him unbelievabley

"why are you lying to me right now?" i asked and crossed my arms

"what do you mean" he asked and laughed dryly

oh he's charming AND a good liar

ye i get it, impostor

hogwarts bully- draco malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now